• 容易冲动性格经常使陷入困境

    His impulsive temperament regularly got him into difficulties.


  • 容易冲动,无法成为一个可靠市长

    He is too impulsive to be a responsible mayor.


  • 参与者完成测量冲动问卷这项研究发现那些冲动,也更容易分心

    Participants also completed a questionnaire measuring impulsivity. Those who were more impulsive were also more easily distracted, the study found.


  • 研究发现借记卡或者信用卡支付的明显得更容易做出一些毫无计划冲动购物选择

    The study [PDF] found that people who used debit or credit cards were significantly more likely to make unplanned, impulsive food choices.


  • 积极态度通常使获利,冲动或者轻率鲁莽的态度很容易使身败名裂

    A positive attitude always works in favor of you while an attitude which is impulsive and rash can easily ruin your reputation.


  • 患有adhd的孩子容易变得焦躁不安、冲动容易分神在家学校闯祸。

    Children with ADHD tend to be restless, impulsive and easily distracted, often leading to serious problems at home and at school.


  • 为此承担责任,原谅自己——承认自己确实容易冲动,但冲动不是全部,同时我得到了一个学习成长机会

    By accepting responsibility, but also forgiving myself - recognizing that overreaching is an undeniable part of me, but not all of me - I had an opportunity to grow and learn.


  • 大多数来说,现金购物让人感觉真实容易让人抑制住一时冲动购买欲

    Paying with cash feels more real to most people and can make it easier to resist smaller impulse purchases.


  • 公司里开会- - -特别是长会时- - -很容易让人产生当精神病医生的冲动

    During a meeting at workespecially a long meeting — it can be tempting to play the psychiatrist.


  • 部分原因可能取决于个性可能自认为情绪容易失控或者倾向表现冲动

    Part of it may be your personality: you may be someone who feels your emotions intensely or tends to act impulsively or lose control.


  • 人们容易控制他们因一时的满足产生的冲动从而作出长远看来更有利的决定”,

    People are more able to control their impulses for short term pleasures and choose more often an option which is more beneficial in the long run,” she said.


  • 人们容易控制他们因一时的满足产生的冲动,从而作出长远看来更有利的决定”,

    People are more able to control their impulses for short term pleasures and choose more often an option which is more beneficial in the long run, "she said."


  • 现在,对这样冲动的预测大加嘲讽是很容易的事。

    It's easy to mock that brash forecast now.


  • 本周二辞职说:“B意味着容易烦躁冲动,我的本意经常被误解。”

    "My blood's type b, which means I can be irritable and impetuous, and my intentions don't always come across," he said Tuesday after his resignation.


  • 来拜访朋友倒了满满一大牛奶准备喝时,差点冲动得想掐死因为那是我们容易节省下来的啊!

    I almost strangled a visiting friend when she poured heaping glasses of milk that we were trying so hard to conserve.


  • 发现决定要买件东西后,总容易一时冲动其它商品因为知道不管买多少,付款繁琐都是免不了

    I've found that after I've decided to buy one thing, I'm far more likely to throw in other impulse items, because I know that I'm committed to going through the hassle of paying.


  • 深呼吸再深呼吸,好不容易才把笑冲动回去

    I lower the head deep breathing deep breathing anew, with difficulty smile the impulse spraying to persevere to return to.


  • 呼吸肌胸廓依靠中枢发放冲动保持呼吸运动容易过度疲劳衰竭

    Breathes the impulsion which the muscle and chest gallery dependence main center provides maintains the breath movement, but easy overtired but failure.


  • 固执算不算任性要求付出可能看不到结果沉默不算任性的要求,总是不能容易冲动

    Stubborn willfulness requirements amount to pay also may not see a result, be considered willful silence of the requirements were not always too easy for impulse!


  • 创作冲动时,如果你坚持分享,你发现容易找到更多的创意

    Whenever you have an intention to create, you will find it easier to generate more creative ideas if you keep the sharing process firmly in mind.


  • 冲动时候”,或者喝醉的时候“我爱你”,都容易的,因为这时候的话并不构成某种承诺也是为什么时候说爱你的原因。

    Saying "I love you" in a moment of passion or when you're drunk is an easy way to say it but not be held to a further commitment. That's why he only says it then.


  • 如果容易冲动不是轻易改进东西

    If you are impetuous, that isn't something that can easily improve.


  • 休假时候,上了年纪老板职责交给儿子很不放心,因为这个年青人容易冲动也缺乏经验

    When he went on vacation, the old boss was leery of putting his son in charge because the young man was temperamental and inexperienced.


  • 研究人员发现超重女性低估将来奖金价值可能性是体重正常女性的三到四。这说明她们容易冲动

    The researchers found that obese women discounted the value of future rewards at a rate three-to-four times greater than that of normal-weight women, suggesting greater impulsivity.


  • 性格开朗豪爽容易冲动喜欢甜食和洗澡的面具大叔。

    Outspoken, frank and straightforward, Turkey is a mid age man who loves bath and sweets.


  • 性格开朗豪爽容易冲动喜欢甜食和洗澡的面具大叔。

    Outspoken, frank and straightforward, Turkey is a mid age man who loves bath and sweets.


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