The method can also be used to deal with matrix equations on general field, which supplies a new method to cryptography.
Based on modern cryptography, the security of information systems fundamentally depends upon the randomness of random Numbers which are used to produce important secret data.
WS - Security构建于成熟的密码学以及xml加密及签名的行业标准基础上,为Web服务应用程序提供了一整套的安全特性。
WS-Security provides a comprehensive set of security features for web service applications, building on established industry standards for cryptography and for XML encryption and signing.
The problem of secure multiparty computation is fundamental in cryptography, as well as relevant to practical cryptographic applications.
The thesis introduce the base of network database security, which includes modern cryptology and database security, and introduce principle of fingerprint characteristic in identity identification.
Digital signatures, one of the most important components of cryptography, are the basic theory for protecting the integrity and authenticity of information.
Digital signatures, one of the most important components of cryptography, are the base of theory for protecting the integrity and authenticity of information.
This article firstly introduces the basic knowledge of cryptology involved.
Our experiment result is of great importance in experimental test of some fundamental problems in quantum mechanics, information theory, cryptography, and quantum computation etc.
We advance an applied scheme of digital audio watermarking for copyright protection and the copy controlling with the cryptology on the base of summarizing the audio watermark application.
Information hiding is an interlaced subject, which is built on the basis of mathematics, modern cryptography, information processing theory, and computer applied techniques.
In the latter part of last century, scientists founded the conception of quantum cryptography on the basis of quantum mechanics.
Based on the ideas of public key cryptography, a new scrambling technology of digital image based on primitive roots is given.
PKI ( Public Key Infrastructure), which is on the base of cryptography, resolved the issue of trust perfectly using public key certificate as a carrier.
In this thesis, the basic concepts of cryptogram including number theory and modular arithmetic are introduced.
The hashing function is one of the basic foundations of the cryptography. It widely used in data integrality and identity authentication.
Cryptographic hash functions play a fundamental role in modern cryptography.
As the basis and core of information security, cryptography also attracts more and more attention. Brute force attack on symmetric cipher algorithms is an important direction of cryptography.
Cryptography is the foundation of supporting authentication, integrality and confidentiality.
Verifiable secret sharing is one of the most important tools in modern cryptography, and it is also one of basic tools in keeping secrets.
As commitment schemes are basic tools of many cryptographic primitives, our two schemes can be widely used especially in Internet environment.
Electronic voting bases on cryptology, and USES technology of computer and communication to achieve the purpose of election.
Electronic voting is a voting scheme, based on cryptography, which employs computer and network technologies.
Electronic voting is a voting scheme, based on cryptography, which employs computer and network technologies.