Clearly what was good for General Motors was not necessarily good for the US.
The mark is ford's biggest moneymaker, just as cadillac is for general motors.
The Mark is Ford's biggest moneymaker , just as Cadillac is for General Motors.
For G.M., the main issue was to find a way to cut its costs for health care for retired workers.
Wagoner has been criticized for his handling of G.M.'s declining fortunes, but he has said he intends to stay on.
The suggestion that squeaky-clean Toyota's behaviour may have resembled that of Ford and GM, which in the distant past covered up problems with the Pinto and the Corvair, is especially wounding.
In short, our goal is to get GM back on its feet, take a hands-off approach, and get out quickly.
General Motors, for example, now systematically tracks the geographic origin of all the bits that go into making its cars.
Whereas I suspect over at General Motors the marketing people are telling the designers, "Most people who buy SUVs do it to seem manly, not to drive off-road."
I remember when Charley Wilson”—the president of G.M. in the forties and fifties—“said, What’s good for G.M. is good for America.
So China is a very critically important market for us as General Motors works to improve our performance around the globe.
For years I thought what was good for our country was good for General Motors, and vice versa.
For years I thought what was good for our country was good for General Motors, and viceversa.
激光器对车辆的轻质铝外壳进行密封,这是其制造商通用汽车公司(General Motors)刚刚在美国推出的新技术。
Lasers seal the car's lightweight aluminum exterior using techniques that the carmaker, General Motors, has only just introduced in the United States.
What makes it interesting is that Coase modestly accept the criticism of this paper on his former explanation to the classical case of GM integration.
What makes it interesting is that Coase modestly accept the criticism of this paper on his former explanation to the classical case of GM integration.