• 对“制度准则”中尚不明确重要计提比例加以明确规定;专业资产评估师应对资产减值准备计提有所帮助;

    Asset Devaluation Standard should be made to indicate the accurate implication of each judgment standard, to stipulate the imprecise important calculation ratio in institution and standard.


  • 研究小组成员亚利桑那大学的丹尼斯 ·扎瑞茨基指出,“我们宇宙 90%的物质明确的情况下,却声称了解宇宙的一切有点令人难堪。”

    It's a little embarrassing to claim we know anything about the universe when we don't know what 90 percent of the matter out there is.


  • 虽然微塑料具体我们身体造成怎样的伤害不明确,但微塑料本身他们吸收大量有害细菌这一事实让我们忧心忡忡

    Though the precise harm to our bodies remains unknown, concerns include the microplastics themselves, as well as the fact that they absorb a range of harmful bacteria.


  • 丹麦奥尔·胡斯大学阿贝尔已经有许多研究早产多动症患病风险联系一起,但是目前原因明确

    A number of studies have linked preterm birth to an increased risk of ADHD, although the reasons aren't clear, noted Obel, of Aarhus University in Denmark.


  • 但是又补充说当前食物了解不明确清楚什么样的孩子容易受到影响,能够帮助医生病人地方实在有限了。

    However, he adds, the current state of knowledge about what foods are problematic and which kids are susceptible is still too limited to be of much use for doctors or their patients.


  • 含有多种食物时,此种方法是否依然能够帮助人们减少食物的摄入量,还不明确

    It is unknown whether this method would help people cut their consumption of a real meal which consists of multiple foods.


  • 一个教育系统中,计算机学习工具各种试水项目并驾齐驱,这种认知学习未来明确

    In an education system awash with computerized learning tools and pilot programs of all kinds, the future of such perceptual learning efforts is far from certain.


  • 其它迁徙鸟类一样,沙锥鸟需要飞行很长的距离但是它们如何如此长距离的飞行中睡觉或者只睡很少的觉,原因不明确

    As with other migratory birds that fly long distances, it's unclear how great snipes can apparently fly for such long periods with little or no sleep.


  • 这家公司的解决方法是名为QNX软体平台推出时间尚不明确

    The company has an answer: a new software platform called QNX, but is vague on when that will show up on the BlackBerry.


  • 然而香烟烟雾是否确实儿童大脑产生负面影响,或者是否是其他东西所的作用,不明确

    However, it's still unclear if tobacco fumes actually take a toll on children's brains, or if something else is at play.


  • 研究人员表示明确这种现象的长远影响

    The researchers say we don't understand the long-term effects.


  • 卫生部网站发出一份通知电击技术安全性明确因此要求停止疗法的临床应用

    A notice on the health ministry's website said that the safety of the electric shock technology was not clear, so use of the therapy should be stopped.


  • 目前方案社会健康保护影响及其普遍覆盖计划联系不明确因为方案在演化

    At present, the impact of the scheme on social health protection and its links with universal coverage plans are unclear as it is still evolving.


  • 由于辐射水平波动频繁,受辐射侵害对象时长明确,我们需谨慎对待关于福岛核电站辐射水平专门报道

    Beware of single reports of radiation level reports, since radiation levels can frequently fluctuate and it is not clear who is being exposed and for how long.


  • 最近明尼苏达圣保罗市接受经济学家杂志访问时表示地球可能是在变暖但是其中自然因素占比例”还不明确

    Speaking to The Economist in St Paul, Minnesota, he recently explained that the earth might be warming, but that it is unclear “to what extent that is the result of natural causes.


  • 一种与众自由贸易斗争法国赫然出现,此事件迫使整个欧洲境内实施二氧化碳”,具体细节不明确

    A different free-trade fight looms with France, which is pushing for a "carbon tax" to be imposed at Europe's borders, though the details are unclear.


  • 组织承认也是漏油原因大规模的漏油原因明确

    It recognised that oil bunkering had caused spills, but said "the scale of this problem is not clear".


  • 这种联系具体原因不明确个子高有时候可能降低罹患其他一些疾病几率,心脏病就是个典型的例子。

    The exact reason for the link is unclear, and being tall has also been associated with a lower risk of other conditions, notably heart disease.


  • 它们这样做原因不明确特别是它们春天返回瑞典的途中会休息好几次,更是让大家摸头脑

    The reasons for that are unclear, especially since the birds make several stops during their return flights to Sweden in the spring.


  • 研究人员表示方法安全性、有效性不明确

    The researchers said both the safety and the effectiveness of the method was unclear.


  • 上海科技馆动机不明确

    The Shanghai museum's motive here is unclear.


  • 警方疑犯动机尚不明确拒绝透露嫌疑犯以及受害人信息及凶杀的具体细节。

    Authorities said a motive had not been determined. They declined to identify the suspect or the victim, and provided few details about the attack.


  • 如果喷洒蜱剂防护措施实际效果不明确

    It is unclear just how effective this prevention measure is without the addition of a repellent.


  • CNN现场报道团队称,这座40层文华酒店起因明确伤亡报告。

    The cause of the blaze at the 40-story Mandarin Oriental is not known and there were no reports of injuries, according to CNN staff members who were at the scene.


  • 袭击意图不明确

    The motives for the attack are unclear.


  • 导致超过18岁而滴酒年轻人数量增加原因尚不明确

    Why the number of teetotaling 18-year-olds is up isn't clear.


  • 目前不明确ITSOA已经到了瓶颈这样想法 SOA正在衰退这样报告有何种联系特别是大量这类报告都在 强调其技术层面的时候。

    It is unclear though how this idea that I.T. SOA has reached a threshold ties in with reports that SOA is failiing, particularly when many of the reports emphasize technical aspects.


  • 目前不明确ITSOA已经到了瓶颈这样想法 SOA正在衰退这样报告有何种联系特别是大量这类报告都在 强调其技术层面的时候。

    It is unclear though how this idea that I.T. SOA has reached a threshold ties in with reports that SOA is failiing, particularly when many of the reports emphasize technical aspects.


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