• 是的他们竞争场游戏比如这些青蛙

    Right, they are competing, like a game, like the frogs.


  • 许多奖项比如基础物理学奖,都是互联网企业家们银行账户资助的,这些账户里的资金余额就像电话号码一样长。

    Many, like the Fundamental Physics Prize, are funded from the telephone-number-sized bank accounts of Internet entrepreneurs.


  • 总之就像刚才讲的,通过分析这些回声蝙蝠可以确定比如洞穴里是否需要避开墙壁以及的距离有远。

    Anyway, as I were saying, by analyzing these echoes, the bat can determine, say, if there is wall in a cave that it needs to avoid, and how far away it is.


  • 根据康奈尔大学食品品牌实验室一项研究小小的食品奖励——比如麦当劳开心乐园餐中的玩具——同样能刺激人大脑反应中枢食物那样

    According to a new study from Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab, small non-food rewardslike the toys in McDonald's Happy Mealsstimulate the same reward centers in the brain as food does.


  • 喜欢小提琴,也有很多户外爱好,比如露营、钓鱼和游泳,就像其他同龄男孩一样。

    He loves the violin and has many outdoor interests, such as camping, fishing and swimming, just like other boys of his age.


  • 方面,市场被这些吸人眼球的话语充斥着,比如“如何在5小时内成为一个行业的专家”和“十五堂课速成欣赏古典音乐大师”。这些话听起来就像是若你为此付了钱,你便一定会成功一样。

    For one thing, the market is full of eye-catching words such as "How to be an Industry's Expert in 5 Hours" and "15 Classes to Be a Master of Appreciating (欣赏) Classical Music", which sound like if you pay for it, you are sure to succeed.


  • 比如声音时候听起来就像一个男人

    My voice, for example, sounds like a male voice that moment.


  • 提到的,确实一些事件比如发生陕西省事件。

    There have been a few events, as you mentioned, like the school in Shaanxi.


  • 大概受邀外甥女詹妮所在的一年级做一个简短讲座不要深奥的,注意,相当地简单比如生活一个陌生地方会是什么样子? 贝尔法斯特

    About a month ago I was invited to give a brief talk to my nephew Gianni’s first grade classnothing too deep, mind you, rather simply about what it’s like living in a foreign place such as Belfast.


  • 刚才比如过去的里,我们更新整体95%的,办公产品以及提供文件夹服务

    So as I indicated earlier, over the last two years, for example, we have refreshed 95% of our overall office production and services offering portfolio.


  • 成员们比如摄影师卡尔·华纳分阶段上演绘画作品,看起来就像家庭绘画场景——直至意识到,西兰花房子是用火腿做的。

    Members such as photographer Carl Warner stages pictures that at first look like homely painted landscapes - until you realise the trees are made of broccoli, the houses of ham.


  • 比如就像我们在上面解释那样,现金流不能告诉我们某个特定时间段内的盈利损失盈利能力所包含因素与现金流无关

    For example, as we explained above, it doesn't tell us the profit earned or lost during a particular period: profitability is composed also of things that are not cash based.


  • 比如也许可以游戏其他部分仍然下载同时游戏的第一关,就像现在已经普及的流媒体技术一样

    For instance, you might be able to begin playing the first level of a game while the rest is still downloading, making them almost “streamable” in the same way that movies now are.


  • 比如演讲关于驾驶安全的,你可以一个震撼的消极案例就像谁谁开车没系安全带结果出车祸死了

    For example, if you're speaking on car safety, you can create a very powerful negative visualization by telling the story of someone who died because he didn't wear his seat belt.


  • 咖啡能够通过多种作用刺激中枢神经系统就像其他药物一样(比如安非他命)让清醒增强活力

    Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that ACTS in many ways like other stimulant drugs such as amphetamines, waking you up and increasing your muscular activity.


  • 比如植入恶意代码电表能够扰乱输电网络——电脑的“僵尸网络”能够扰乱因特网一样。

    Smart meters injected with malware, for instance, could disrupt the grid just as networks of PC botnets-home computers hijacked by viruses-now disrupt the Internet.


  • 比如几个实验关注使用虚假证据就像警察假装持有某人犯罪证据鼓动自己认罪

    Several experiments, for example, have focused on the use of false evidence, as when police pretend they have proof of a person’s guilt in order to encourage him to confess.


  • 对于大多数应用比如生物温度变化,是很小今天一点

    But for most normal applications, like if you're doing biology, where the temperature changes by a few degrees, like today I have a little bit of a cold.


  • 除了五脏庙以外,一种食物含义比如饺子看起来就像金元宝,这意味来年的丰衣足食。

    Besides culinary satisfaction, each food has a meaning as well: for instance, Jiao Zi looks like gold, implying a wealthy year ahead.


  • 还有另外一种场景需要考虑集合声明使用比如valmap = Map(),就像下面这个例子

    There is another scenario to watch for when using declarations of collections like val map = Map(), as in this example.


  • GDS中继续致力于有状态服务器组件设想比如Seam对话任务设想所定义的一样。

    In GDS, I want to work on the concept of stateful server components, as defined for example, by the Seam conversation and task concepts.


  • 视图模型不仅暴露模型,还有属性比如状态信息就像isbusy指示符命令

    The viewmodel exposes not only models, but other properties (such as state information, like the "is busy" indicator) and commands


  • 控制司法官一样(他说道,比如英国货币欧元的问题彻底妥协于布朗先生),布莱尔觉得对抗乔治·布什几乎可能的。

    Just as he could not control his chancellor (he was, for instance, totally “boxed in” by Mr Brown on sterling and the euro), he found it next to impossible to stand up to George Bush.


  • 看起来完全限定UNIX文件名比如 /abc/xxx/305xk),是用来表示谓词语法

    It looks like a fully qualified UNIX filename (such as /abc/xxx/305xk), with a syntax for expressing predicates.


  • 比如印度工作该国货币贬值了20%(去年发生的状况),那么那些大学助学贷款可能要推迟很长时间

    If you work in India, for example, and the currency is devalued by 20 percent (as happened last year) those college loans might have to be put on hold for a long time.


  • 有些事情的发生比如一个鸡蛋做成蛋,但是可能煎蛋做成最初的鸡蛋。

    There are things that happen, like you turn an egg into an omelet, but you can't turn an omelet into an egg.


  • 但是永远不会一件东西它自己去比比如说“美丽落日美丽的落日一样”。

    But you would never compare something to itself, for example: "That beautiful sunset was like a beautiful sunset".


  • 比如之前摩尔看到每18个月一番的增长速度,所有人看到的那样继续下去。

    Like Moore before him, he could see that the 18-month doublings in performance would continue to stretch out as far as anyone could see.


  • 比如福特北美事业部取得了他们开业以来的首次盈利——就像泰坦尼克号上把椅子——的时间里面。

    For example, Ford's North American unit generated its first profit from operationsas opposed to rearranging financial deck chairs on the Titanic — in four and a half years.


  • 比如福特北美事业部取得了他们开业以来的首次盈利——就像泰坦尼克号上把椅子——的时间里面。

    For example, Ford's North American unit generated its first profit from operationsas opposed to rearranging financial deck chairs on the Titanic — in four and a half years.


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