• 希克斯人公元前1650年开始入侵埃及尼罗河三角洲统治

    The Hyksos invaded the Nile Delta of Egypt and ruled it from 1650 B.C.


  • 其中有一个人物Wereket-El,居住埃及尼罗河三角洲塔尼斯的腓尼基商人

    One of the characters is Wereket-El, a Phoenician merchant living at Tanis in Egypt's Nile delta.


  • 尼罗河三角洲土地肥沃

    There are fertile fields in the Nile Delta.


  • 尼罗河三角洲地皮肥美

    There are fertile fields in the Nile Delta.


  • 去过尼罗河三角洲

    He has been to the delta of the Nile.


  • 较为温和计划比如延伸尼罗河三角洲运河分支效果好的

    More modest plans, such as the extension of branch canals in the Nile delta, have worked much better.


  • 特港尼日利亚南部城市,位于伊巴丹东南部尼罗河三角洲

    A city of southern Nigeria in the Niger River delta southeast of Ibadan.


  • 1953年,尼罗河三角洲区域鸟类(乌鸦鸽子)首次发现该病毒。

    It was identified in birds (crows and columbiformes) in Nile delta region in 1953.


  • 埃及约有三分之一人口尼罗河沿岸尼罗河三角洲地区务农

    Approximately one-third of Egypt's population works in agriculture, farming sugarcane, rice, and wheat in the fertile land along the Nile and in the Nile Delta.


  • 这些洪水一直非常有用因为它们灌溉着尼罗河三角洲沉积下厚厚的表土,可以用来庄稼

    These floods have been very useful because they irrigate the Nile Delta and deposit a rich layer of topsoil used for growing crops.


  • 然而,埃及绝大部分农民都是卡维这样的块土地所有者他们尼罗河三角洲种植着玉米棉花苜蓿

    The vast majority of its farmers, however, are small land holders like Mr. Sharkawi, who cultivates maize, cotton and alfalfa in the Nile Delta.


  • 科学家认为奇迹可能出现地方并非红海而是尼罗河三角洲地带那里认为,古老河流沿海泻湖合并

    Scientists believe the likely location of the 'miracle' was not the Red Sea, but a nearby spot in the Nile Delta region where an ancient river is believed to have merged with a coastal lagoon.


  • 小范围的个人努力已经吞噬掉了沿尼罗沙漠尼罗河三角洲以东以西河源的地方都是运河支流。

    smaller-scale private efforts have eaten up deserts all along the river valley and far to the east and west of the delta.


  • 2009年,采用IIIMP建议地区最初的6,000英亩扩大尼罗河三角洲超过500,000英亩的地区。

    By 2009, the IIIMP approach tested in the W-10 area had been expanded from its original 6,000 acres to more than 500,000 acres across the Nile Delta.


  • 这些珍宝属于赫拉克利翁坎诺浦斯两座古城,两座古城曾建于尼罗河三角洲地区现在3多深淤泥之下。

    The treasures belong to Heracleion and Canopus, cities built on the shifting ground of the Nile delta, which are now buried beneath three metres of silt.


  • 另一些人觉得此法切实可行(降低了成本),可以帮助尼日尔尼罗河三角洲地区修建沿海防护工程以及保护刚果热带雨林。

    Others reckon it would be more practical (and less costly) to help to build sea defences for the Niger and Nile deltas and to protect Congo's rainforest.


  • 达曼胡尔埃及东北部城市,位于尼罗河三角洲上、开罗西北古代,因赫尔莫波利斯·帕瓦而闻名人口221,500。

    A city of northeast Egypt on the Nile River delta northwest of Cairo. In ancient times it was known as Hermopolis Parva. Population, 221,500.


  • 油价上涨,尽管出口量减少了,但收入仍旧增加了;而且埃及渐渐发现开始开采大量天然气特别是尼罗河三角洲北面近海地区。

    Oil prices rose, boosting export income despite the fall in volumes; and Egypt began to discover and tap big reserves of natural gas, particularly offshore, north of the Nile delta.


  • 这次罢工最初开罗北部尼罗河三角洲迈哈莱城镇爆发。在那里,2万5千名工人计划举行罢工,他们提出得到更高工资其他一些要求

    The strike call originated in the Nile Delta town of Mahalla, north of Cairo, where 25, 000 factory workers had planned a strike for higher wages and other demands.


  • 马哈拉库卜腊埃及北部城市位于开罗以北尼罗河三角洲上,一个纺织工业中心加工大米面粉人口362,700。

    A city of northern Egypt in the Nile River delta north of Cairo. It is a textile center with processing mills for rice and flour. Population, 362,700.


  • 科学家相信神迹”发生地点可能不在红海而是尼罗河三角洲附近地区,科学家相信在那里有一远古河流现今已经与周围的海域合并

    Scientists believe the likely location of the 'miracle' was not the Red Sea, but a nearby spot in the Nile Delta region where an ancient river is believed to have merged with a coastal lagoon.


  • 尼罗河河口分岔,形成一个三角洲

    The Nile divides at its mouth and forms a delta.


  • 第6帧图像的时候,尼罗河成为图像焦点然而云层覆盖住了那里独具特色的三角洲一部分

    By frame 6, the Nile River has become the focus of the image, though its distinctive triangular delta is partially covered with cloud.


  • 尼罗河穿过埃及,流经吉萨金字塔到达开罗三角洲

    The Nile River flowing through Egypt past the pyramids of Giza up to Cairo in the delta;


  • GoogleEarth上一眼看到在尼罗沿途以及三角洲东西部沙漠地带小规模私人工程星罗棋布。

    As a glance at Google Earth will show, smaller-scale private efforts have eaten up deserts all along the river valley and far to the east and west of the delta.


  • GoogleEarth上一眼看到在尼罗沿途以及三角洲东西部沙漠地带小规模私人工程星罗棋布。

    As a glance at Google Earth will show, smaller-scale private efforts have eaten up deserts all along the river valley and far to the east and west of the delta.


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