• 所得结果有助于工艺参数优化设计

    All the results are helpful for process parameter optimal design.


  • 认为工艺参数优化提高汽提效率重要因素

    It is believed that optimization of the stripping process data is a key factor for improving the stripping efficiency.


  • 建立苎麻预处理工艺参数优化数学模型求出最

    The optimal mathematical model of technological parameter in ramie pretreatment has been set up, and the optimal solution has been found.


  • 最后复合法为优化工具,给出工艺参数的优化算法

    With the compound type algorithm, an optimization algorithm is given to the parameters.


  • 结果表明钢水连续测系统可以为连铸工艺参数优化提供技术支持

    The results indicate that this system is likely to provide technical assistance to optimization of technological parameter of continuous casting.


  • 文章插针工艺研究主体,涵盖线路板应力分析工艺参数优化过程

    The paper studies this pin technology and covers the analysis of printed circuit board strain and process parameters optimization.


  • 试验分析结果建立等温烧结模型和烧结工艺参数优化方法提供依据

    The experimental and analytical results make the reference for building the non-isothermal sintering model and for the optimization of sintering process parameters.


  • 模型成功建立产品技术转移工艺参数的优化提供了可借鉴的科学方法

    The successful establishment of this model provides a scientific method for process optimization when technical transfer of the new products takes place.


  • 开发的软件,其界面友好,完成挤压力智能化计算以及工艺参数优化设计。

    Using this software, intelligent extrusion force calculation and process parameters optimization could be achieved, and extrusion force evaluation by experience is replaced by numerical calculation.


  • 本文包括形砂轮切削模型计算机模型,以及工艺参数优化研究等内容

    Cup wheel is investigated in this paper which includes cutting model of abrasive particle, computer model of face grinding and optimization of technological parameters etc.


  • 通过对纺特细号工序工艺参数优化配置纺品种的成纱质量达到预期要求

    Try to make the spun yarn quality achieve the anticipated demand by optimizing configuration on the craft parameters in every working procedure.


  • 详细介绍各种纺纱器材的优选工艺参数的优化以及其他控制成纱毛羽的措施

    Introduction is made to the selection and optimization of accessories in fore process and rear process plus the specification as well as measures against fuzzy yarn.


  • 通过对旋压成形模具工艺参数优化设计保证镁合金的成形性能达到预期目的

    Optimizing the design of spinning die and forming process parameters can ensure the forming properties of magnesium alloy and achieve the expected goal.


  • 研究了采用挤出吹塑法成型聚氟乙烯薄膜工艺结合制品性能详细讨论了吹塑工艺参数的优化

    The processing technology of blow-molded PVF film was studied, and based on the property of the prepared product, the optimization of the processing parameters were discussed in detail.


  • 本文研究工作围绕杯形薄壁齿轮变形机理工艺参数的制约关系成形工艺以及工艺参数优化展开

    The research mainly focuses upon the deformation mechanism, relationship among forming parameters, and forming process optimization of inner gear spinning.


  • 该文仙人掌制备,仙人掌汁的添加、添加方法时间工艺参数优化设计纯生啤酒酿造进行了探讨

    This paper discussed the cactus juice preparation and draft beer brewing method, and optimized the juice addition amount, time and method, and other processing parameters.


  • 氦-氩混合气体保护气氛采用正交试验方差分析方法AZ31镁合金板材进行了TIG工艺参数优化

    Taking the He-Ar mixed gas as protected atmosphere, TIG welding process parameters for AZ31 magnesium alloy plates was optimized by using the method of the orthogonal experiment and variance analysis.


  • 同样品质纱线前提下,通过织造工艺参数优化减少纱线质量的负担提高织物的品质。降低生产成本提高效率意义更为重大。

    Under the same quality of yarns, the optimization of weaving parameters can reduce the load during spinning, and improve fabric quality, and benefits to realize low cost and high efficiency.


  • 仿真系统应该能够实现线切割加工工艺效果预测,加工工艺参数优化而且通过训练模型的功能,适用不同类型的高速走丝线切割机

    Machining effectiveness prediction and parameters optimization is considered in this software. Moreover it can be used on different wire EDM machine tools through models training module.


  • 新鲜芒果原料研究低糖芒果脯加工工艺,对护色剂胶体填充剂选择、方式比较、真空渗糖工艺参数优化原料成熟度的选择分别进行了研究。

    The ingredient for color stabilization and tissue satiation, the osmosis way for sugar, the vacuum osmosis technology parameter, and the ripeness degree of raw materials were investgated.


  • 以往文献工艺参数确定优化研究集中在以工人经验传统数学模型建立

    The research of technology parameters definition, optimization and prediction which focused on worker experience and traditional arithmetic model building in past literature.


  • 优化设定新的现有自动化工艺参与优化生产线布局工艺参数提高生产效率产品质量

    Optimization and setting of new and existing automotive processes, Involved in the optimization of the production line layout and process parameters, improve production efficiency and product quality.


  • 实际应用表明系统解决工艺参数优化设置问题提高铸铁型材生产质量效率

    The application result demonstrates that this system solves the question of drawing technics parameter optimization and advances quality and efficiency of cast iron production.


  • 提出实现了铸铁型材水平连铸工艺参数优化专家系统,并系统的关键技术进行了设计讨论

    This paper presents and realizes drawing blank technics parameter expert system of iron continuous casing and discusses its key realizing technology.


  • 运用试验优化设计方法优化工艺参数

    The experiment optimization design method are used to the craft parameters optimal.


  • 引进国际先进工艺装备过程中,注意工艺装备参数改进优化装备制造的国产化,降低单位产品投资额。

    The attention is paid to optimizing the process parameters and domestic manufacturing of the imported equipments and reducing the investment.


  • 引进国际先进工艺装备过程中,注意工艺装备参数改进优化装备制造的国产化,降低单位产品投资额。

    The attention is paid to optimizing the process parameters and domestic manufacturing of the imported equipments and reducing the investment.


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