By engineering calculating, the flow chart and the engineering capacities of the main PSB reaction tank, the secondary setting tank and the seaweed pond are obtained.
On the basis of introducing the technology characteristic of dyeing, the process of designing a fuzzy PID control logic system is related in detail and the flow chart of software is given.
The structure of the control, the control scheme, flowchart and the design of hardware and software are analyzed concretely.
The development method of the process flow diagram (PFD) is based on a new design method of process flow diagram, adopted in the international companies in recent years.
The design also includes profiles of the fermentation tank, the whole plant layout, plant layout diagram, process flow diagram.
Zhejiang Medicine Co. , Ltd. Xinchang vancomycin hydrochloride manufacturers of raw materials and chemical agents Technological process of the project design work;
Design at the same time also should draw up the light color beer flow chart, the saccharification equipment monomer chart, the saccharification workshop floor-plan, the entire factory floor-plan.
Design at the same time also should draw up the light color beer flow chart, the saccharification equipment monomer chart, the saccharification workshop floor-plan, the entire factory floor-plan.