• 想法去世乘客他们的家人祈祷

    My thoughts and prayers for the passengers who have passed away and their family members.


  • 星期六凌晨4点47分:刚刚试着拐杖还给去世奶奶

    Saturday, 4:47 a. m. : Was just now trying to return my dead grandmother's cane to her.


  • 劳伦首先感谢解决了去世祖父之间的分歧

    Lauren: First of all, I want to thank you for helping me solve my differences with my dead grandfather.


  • 两个儿子,其中最胆小拉吉夫——拉胡尔去世的父亲——非常愿意步入政界

    The more timid of her two sons, Rajiv, Rahul's late father, was desperately reluctant to enter politics.


  • 此外许多愿意谈及自己病情因为他们面对许多去世朋友一种负罪感

    In addition, many people and is willing to talk about their own illness, because they are already faced with the death of many of my friends have a sense of guilt.


  • 霍华德先生争辩不能去世行为买单(政策始于1869,持续1969)。

    Mr Howard argued that he could not take responsibility for the actions of people now dead (the policy, started in 1869, lasted until 1969).


  • 还要感谢去世的外婆清楚此刻她正在天上注视着。她家人一起造就了今天的我。

    And while IT's no longer with us, I know my grandmummy is watching, along with the household that made me who I am.


  • 结果显示184名现去世队员中,那些属于在照片中“从不微笑”的人,他们的平均寿命是72.9

    The results revealed that of the 184 players that had since died, those in the 'no smile' category had lived an average of 72.9 years.


  • 结果显示184名现去世队员中,那些属于在照片中“从不微笑”的人,他们的平均寿命是72.9

    The results revealed that of the 184 players that had since died, maplestory meso those in the 'no smile' category had lived an average of 72.9 years.


  • 看到克罗希先生名字,许多往事好像一起涌上心头,使想起了幼时的情景,想起了朋友们,想起了现在去世母亲

    The very name of Mr. Crossett seemed to bring up a thousand memories of when I was a boy, of my friends, and of my mother, now dead.


  • 爸爸里间办公室中一股樟脑球味道。 办公室是从去世高级合伙人手上接过来的,帕蒂爸爸没有更换地毯,没有重新窗帘

    There was a smell of mothballs in her father’s inner sanctum, which he’d taken over from his now deceased senior partner without redoing the carpeting or the curtains.


  • 为了绘制结构图团队一个尸体实验室里小心翼翼地进行解剖五六个去世捐献者身上做手术练习切除移植手术所需组织

    The team did meticulous dissections in a cadaver lab to map out anatomy, and operated on five or six dead donors to practice removing the tissue needed for the transplants. Mr.


  • 显而易见说话者就是此时躺坟墓里的去世着,静坐角落多年一直告诉你,我头疼却总不进去,之类的话。

    The most obvious speaker is the dead person speaking from the grave there I was sitting in the corner all those years telling you I had a headache.You never listened to me and so on.


  • 思维思维》(Thinking Fast and Slow)一书的作者丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman),以及去世的合作者埃姆斯·特沃斯基Amos Tversky),因指出人类经常做出不理性的”决策而备受尊重。

    TOWARDS the end of “Thinking, Fast and Slow”, Daniel Kahneman laments that he and his late collaborator, Amos Tversky, are often credited with showing that humans makeirrationalchoices.


  • 虽然人们认为德拉·罗查女士葛拉纳·多斯有所偏爱,妈妈阿姨曾是钢琴课学生葛拉纳·多斯早在德拉·罗查女士出生之前去世拒绝对其示好。

    Although she was often regarded as partial to Granados - her mother and an aunt were among his piano students, but he died before Ms. DE Larrocha was born - she refused to cite a favorite.


  • 然后,他们调查184去世球员寿命

    Then they looked up the lifespans of the 184 players who had already died.


  • 1976年,受到一份虚假报道普代克去世感动之余日记里记下下面的吊念之词。

    In 1976, Cheever received a false report that Updike had died and was moved to record the following tribute in his journal.


  • 许多过去年代相联系企业家去世

    Many of the entrepreneurial figures connected with the earlier era had already departed.


  • 诉讼案当事人去世

    One of the parties to the suit have die.


  • 现在父亲去世我们一定要经得起痛苦的打击,学会忍受艰难困苦

    Now that Father is dead, we must bits the bullet and learn to put up with hardship.


  • 他们母亲去世多年父亲三个星期刚刚死去。

    Their mother had been dead for years, and their father had died only three weeks before.


  • 到家的那一天父亲去世

    The day he returned home, his father was already dead.


  • 他们“早已去世”的母亲其实一周前才离世。罗奇才知道自己原来一直气愤难当,离家出走接下来14他露宿公园,靠酒精度日,吉他赚钱续杯。

    Furious that he'd been lied to his whole life, Roach ran away from home and spent the next 14 years drinking, sleeping in parks, playing the guitar to earn enough for the next bottle.


  • 他们“早已去世”的母亲其实一周前才离世。罗奇才知道自己原来一直气愤难当,离家出走接下来14他露宿公园,靠酒精度日,吉他赚钱续杯。

    Furious that he'd been lied to his whole life, Roach ran away from home and spent the next 14 years drinking, sleeping in parks, playing the guitar to earn enough for the next bottle.


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