上周日凌晨,特华纳的儿子开车将他和家人送往亨廷登县的Broad top山顶,大约上午8点左右,一头雄鹿突然从树林中蹿出,布莱恩立刻提醒父亲,老人瞬时扣动扳机,一枪击倒正在狂奔的猎物。
At dawn Sunday, the sons drove him to the summit of Broadtop Mountain in Huntingdon Country. At 8 am, a buck ran out of the woods, and Brian pointed it out to his father.
上周日凌晨,特华纳的儿子开车将他和家人送往亨廷登县的Broad top山顶,大约上午8点左右,一头雄鹿突然从树林中蹿出,布莱恩立刻提醒父亲,老人瞬时扣动扳机,一枪击倒正在狂奔的猎物。
At dawn Sunday, the sons drove him to the summit of Broadtop Mountain in Huntingdon Country. At 8 am, a buck ran out of the woods, and Brian pointed it out to his father.