• 我们必须关怀年青一代

    We must care for the younger generation.


  • 体系年青一代之间不相吻合。”东京大学教育专业教授YukiHonda

    "There is a mismatch between the old system and the young generations, " said Yuki Honda, a professor of education at the University of Tokyo.


  • 此相反,很难城市人中区分出年青一代流动人口。

    In contrast, it's hard to distinguish young migrants from their urban counterparts.


  • 也许还不知道确实年青一代兴趣好书讨论成长过程中身体变化的。

    And let me tell you, there are actually some really great books out there about growing bodies, many that are made to be interesting to the younger generation.


  • 歌手王丽表示:“作为名专业表演者认为通过我们努力把这种精神传递年青一代很有必要的。”

    Wang Li, singer, said, "as one of the professional performers, I think it's necessary to pass on the spirit to the younger generation through our effort."


  • 告诉美国年青一代年青的滑冰选手当年发生的事情,它没有看过花样滑冰的感动,因为非常引人入胜的故事

    It is telling the younger generation and younger skaters all about what happened. But it also is touching people who haven't seen figure skating because it is such an interesting story.


  • 使我们年青一代在正确应对这种局时更加胜任,我们应该使媒介素养成为公共教育题中之义。

    To better equip our youth to navigate this fray, we should make media literacy a feature of public education.


  • 莱昂内尔·布莱尔出现BBC系列节目年青20世纪70年代花园处所拍摄现场,“在节目中的体验唤醒了40心智20岁大学时期身体机能”。

    Lionel Blair, seen in the garden of the 1970s house from BBC one's series the Young Ones, says appearing in the programme gave him the mind of a 40-year-old and the body of a man 20 years his junior.


  • Abdullah动作太慢,不能满足约旦民众胃口了,尤其是那些想要驾驭自己生活年青一代

    He has long been too slow to satisfy the appetite of Jordanians, especially younger ones, for a greater say in how they run their own lives.


  • 因此,要推行多元文化,首先重要的是教育年青宽容尊重他人观点

    It's therefore more important to teach the young of each generation tolerance and respect for other 's viewpoint first than multiculturalism.


  • 例如经常年青一代忽略正式晚宴重要访问的得体行为有时留下深刻的第一印象

    For example, appropriate behaviors in an official dinner or in an important interview which are often neglected by younger generations would sometimes leave others a great first impression.


  • 中国年青一代可能稍微没那么守旧但是那些1980年出生主要决策者很快这种新的科技趋势反应过来。

    Younger generations in China may be slightly less conservative but those born before 1980, the key decision-makers, would act very quickly to the new trend of technology.


  • 作为比利时伊丽莎白王后国际钢琴大赛年青获奖者沈文裕成为了他们这传奇钢琴家

    As the youngest prize winner in the history of the Queen Elisabeth International Piano Competition, Wenyu Shen is making his mark as one of the most legendary pianists of his generation.


  • 我们应该关心年青一代教育

    We should be concerned about the education of the younger generation.


  • 年青一代渴望即时满足,什么要,而且马上就想得到。

    The younger generation has a strong propensity for instant gratification, wanting it all and wanting it fast.


  • 关心年青一代健康成长

    Please pay attention to the healthy growth of the younger generation.


  • 国际劳工组织的经计揭捉家史蒂夫·卡普,“受伤一代年青工作者人数在持续增添。

    ILO economist Steve Kapsos said this scarred generation of young workers continues to grow.


  • 我们这些采取严肃态度,是为了教育年青一代

    We have adopted a serious attitude towards them for the purpose of educating the younger generation .


  • 美国教授人尊敬工作,那不是因为拥有高等学位,而是因为承担年青一代典范责任

    Being a professor in the U. S. is a respected job not just because of a high academic degree, but because of taking a responsibility as a role model for the young generation.


  • 年青一代画家彭建忠与众不同的地方,就是对于精神性的注重

    Among the young generation of painters, what makes Peng Jianzhong different from others is that his attention to the spirit.


  • 维护环境年青一代责任,这样才能世界变成更好的处所

    It is the younger generations' responsibility to protect the environment, and make the world a better place for people to live in.


  • 年青一代物质主义思想备受指责西方国家司空见惯的事。

    Here in the West it is plain that it isn't just the materialistic values of our young generation that is to blame.


  • 中国电影人用青春影像表述和呈现社会转型过程年青成长经历,从而构筑了年青一代成长群像

    The new-generation directors describe the growth experience of the youth in the process of a changing society. As a result, the films display a representation of the group image of the youth.


  • 作为一代年青为何选择新公司为她生意伙伴

    As a member of NU generation, Cherry will share with you what NU SKIN means to her and why she chose it as her business partner.


  • 艺术公社主办的《留住的时间-中国当代艺术将展现这些北京年青一代艺术家如何透过作品表达生活中的困惑

    Artist Commune presents "the Time Being Kept - Group Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Artists" and shows how these new power from Beijing express the confusion in their life through art.


  • 我们提出这个项目的初衷就是希望不仅仅利用银行的专业资源解决年青一代经济问题重要帮助他们培养和建立一种低碳节能的生活方式。

    We hope that our project would not only help people to solve their financial problems but the more important is to make them establish the green lifestyle!


  • 我们提出这个项目的初衷就是希望不仅仅利用银行的专业资源解决年青一代经济问题重要帮助他们培养和建立一种低碳节能的生活方式。

    We hope that our project would not only help people to solve their financial problems but the more important is to make them establish the green lifestyle!


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