• 应对国际金融危机需要世界各国共同努力

    To cope with the international financial crisis, all nations in the world should make concerted efforts.


  • 两国携手应对国际金融危机挑战取得积极成效

    We have made positive progress in joining hands to tackle the challenge of the international financial crisis.


  • 本身也是中国应对国际金融危机重大贡献

    This is also an important contribution that China has made to the international efforts against financial crisis.


  • 健全金融体系应对国际金融危机冲击重要举措

    Improving the? Nancial system is an important measure for countering the impact of the global? Nancial crisis.


  • 健全金融体系应对国际金融危机冲击重要举措

    Improving the financial system is an important measure for countering the impact of the global financial crisis.


  • 应对国际金融危机行动成效坚定我们继续开拓前行信心

    Cope with the international financial crisis, the actions and effectiveness of a firm to continue to develop ahead of our confidence.


  • 韩国应对国际金融危机取得积极成效促进了本地区经济复苏

    Wen praised the ROK for having achieved positive results in dealing with the global financial crisis, saying that these efforts helped promote the economic recovery of the region.


  • 应对国际金融危机气候变化共同挑战保持了有效协调合作

    Both sides have maintained effective coordination and cooperation to tackle common challenges, including the international financial crisis and climate change.


  • 我们妥善应对国际金融危机持续影响一系列重大风险挑战

    We have responded effectively to major risks and challenges such as lingering effects of the global financial crisis.


  • 双方加强沟通协调共同应对国际金融危机全球性挑战

    The two sides stand ready to strengthen dialogue and coordination and jointly respond to global challenges including the international financial crisis .


  • 本文主要论述我国设计企业如何应对国际金融危机严峻挑战

    This article focuses on the design of China's enterprises on how to deal with the crisis in international financial challenges.


  • 应对国际金融危机中,中国国际社会携手合作促进全球增长

    China worked closely with the international community to address the financial crisis and promote global recovery and growth.


  • 国际社会愿意加强协调合作我们具备应对国际金融危机共同意愿。

    And we have the common will: the entire international community has demonstrated readiness to enhance coordination and cooperation.


  • 过去了,我们一边应对国际金融危机的冲击,一边全国之力进行灾后重建

    Over the past three years, while fighting the global financial crisis, we have mobilized the whole country to carry out reconstruction in the earthquake areas.


  • 今年会议主要围绕应对国际金融危机扩大组织内部合作进行讨论。

    This year discussions will focus on the international financial crisis and how to expand cooperation within the bloc.


  • 卡恩表示中国应对国际金融危机政策完全正确的,符合国际社会期待

    Strauss-Kahn said China's counter measures against the crisis are completely correct and also meet the expectation of the international community.


  • 应对国际金融危机冲击中国努力扩大内需保持人民币汇率稳定美方对此表示赞赏

    He expressed appreciation on China's efforts to expand domestic demand and maintain the stability of the RMB against the impact of the international financial crisis.


  • 我们希望论坛各国合作应对国际金融危机实现经济复苏发出更加强有力信号

    We hope the forum could send a stronger signal for international cooperation to address financial crisis and rejuvenate economy.


  • 三国积极评价中国应对国际金融危机气候变化重大全球性问题积极努力建设性作用

    The latter made positive remarks on China's active efforts and constructive role of coping with such major global issues as international financial crisis and climate change.


  • 双方加强了宏观经济政策对话协调应对国际金融危机推动全球经济复苏作出了重要贡献

    They have strengthened dialogue and coordination on macroeconomic policy and made important contributions to handling the international financial crisis and boosting the recovery of world economy.


  • 这种情况本次论坛主题确定应对国际金融危机挑战机遇,意义十分重大

    At this time, it is of great significance to have the theme of the high-level forum as "Dialogues about coping with the international financial crisis - challenges and opportunities".


  • 来,应对国际金融危机严重经济衰退各国普遍采取稳定金融和刺激经济的措施。

    Over the past year, in order to cope with the international financial crisis and severe economic recession, countries have generally adopted a stable financial and stimulate the economy.


  • 一年来上海合作组织领域务实合作再结硕果,共同应对国际金融危机冲击发挥了重要作用

    Last year, the SCO also achieved fruitful results of pragmatic cooperation in various fields and played an important role in coping with the international financial crisis.


  • 我们有关国家地区签署了总额达6500亿元人民币双边货币互换协议共同应对国际金融危机冲击

    We signed bilateral currency swap agreements worth RMB650 billion yuan with relevant countries and regions in a joint response to the financial crisis.


  • 中国为应对国际金融危机冲击采取的一系列举措不仅本国经济有利,对区域经济全球经济产生积极影响。

    All these achievements show the measures that we have adopted are not only conducive to our own economy but also have produced positive impact on the economies of the region and the world as a whole.


  • 过去我们持续应对国际金融危机严重冲击中走过来。这场危机来势之扩散影响,百年罕见

    In the past five years, we averted the grievous consequences of the global financial crisis, whose abruptness, rapid spread and profound impact were rarely seen in the past century.


  • 过去一段时间,各国携手应对,减轻国际金融危机严重损害,节制可能出现的较大衰退

    The recent joint response by various countries has reduced the severe impact of the international financial crisis and prevented a serious recession that might have otherwise occurred.


  • 第三国际金融体系应对国际金融危机资源手段严重不足一体系的救援能力需要加强

    Third, the international financial system was in serious shortage of resources and means to tackle the international financial crisis and its rescue capabilities need to be built up.


  • 国际金融危机冲击下,园区优异表现共同应对挑战发挥重要作用。

    During the global financial crisis, the Park, with excellent performance, effectively helped the two countries to cope with the challenges together.


  • 国际金融危机冲击下,园区优异表现共同应对挑战发挥重要作用。

    During the global financial crisis, the Park, with excellent performance, effectively helped the two countries to cope with the challenges together.


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