• 透明代理部分主要论述了透明通道建立HTTPFTPTELNET应用代理服务器实现

    In the part about transparent proxy, this dissertation presents the implementation of transparent channel and application level proxy of HTTP, FTP, TELNET.


  • 需要集群应用程序设置代理服务器以便管理容器SIPHTTP通信流量工作负载

    In front of a clustered application sits the Proxy server, managing the traffic and workload of the SIP and HTTP traffic to the Container.


  • 相反仅仅使用一个常规代理服务器(应用服务器相同cell中定义)根据动态信息执行路由

    Instead, you are simply using a regular proxy server (defined in the same cell as the application servers) and routing based on dynamic information.


  • 代理服务器路由部署了应用程序的cell 中的任意WebSphere ApplicationServers

    The proxy sever will route to any WebSphere Application Servers in the cell where the application is deployed.


  • 代理服务器就是一个其它服务器发出请求服务器(一个计算机系统或者一个软件应用软件)。

    A proxy server is a server (a computer system or a software application) that forwards requests to other servers.


  • 一个代理服务器它执行重要授权粗的粒度限制可以访问什么应用程序

    You have a proxy server that performs important authorization to limit who can access what applications at a coarse grained level.


  • 这些标准仍然可能需要应用程序进行一些操作确保遵从性,但是由于需要容器代理服务器进行更改,因此我们进行了测试确保遵从性。

    These standards might still require some action by the application to ensure compliance, but since they required a change to our container or proxy server, we did test for them to ensure compliance.


  • 配置高级安全模式时,安全代理服务器根据静态路由信息路由应用程序请求

    When configured in high security mode, the secure proxy server will route application requests based on static route data.


  • 安全代理服务器使用这个静态路由信息确定应用程序请求

    The secure proxy server will then use this static routing information to target application requests.


  • 这种模式需要代理服务器应用服务器之间进行充分地通信并且通常适合DMZ使用

    This mode requires full communication between the proxy servers and application servers, and is typically not suitable for use in a DMZ.


  • HTTP应用程序显示采用两个SIP用户代理服务器 (UAS)地址口号网页启动它们之间连接

    The HTTP application will display a Web page that takes the address and port numbers of two SIP User Agent Servers (UAS) and initiate a connection between them.


  • 技巧可能需要用到核心组服务(CGBS)配置如果代理服务器集群(应用程序部署目标)位于不同的核心组,那么将需要使用CGBS。

    The technique might require core group bridge service (CGBS) configuration; CGBS is required if the proxy server and clusters (application deployment targets) are located in different core groups.


  • 相对于 HTTP插件 “集群级”路由来自代理服务器路由可以看作是 “应用程序级别的”。

    The routing from a proxy server can be thought of as "application scoped," as opposed to the "cluster scoped" routing of the HTTP plug-in.


  • 重要的一点系统是否用于服务产品例如DHCPDNS代理服务器或者用于宿主数据库应用程序

    The most important thing to consider is whether the system will be used for any service offering, such as DHCP, DNS, or proxy server, or used for hosting, such as databases or applications.


  • 此外应用程序代理服务器可以用户进行认证

    In addition, application proxy servers can authenticate users.


  • 我们立刻想到使用反向代理服务器这个新的Web应用程序提供外部访问

    We immediately thought of using a reverse proxy server to provide external access to this new Web application.


  • 用户浏览一个AjaxWeb站点加载ajax应用程序引擎最好是从浏览器缓存中加载的,否则本地代理服务器加载。

    Okay, users browse to an Ajax Web site and load the Ajax application engine, preferably from the browser's cache or, if not, from a local proxy server.


  • 这样一来Web应用程序开发人员看上去就像是代理服务器直接进行通信

    In this case, it looks to the Web application developer like he's communicating with the proxy server directly.


  • 注意可以代理服务器使用隐藏Web应用程序开发人员使用ajax实现中。

    Note that you can hide the use of a proxy server in the implementation of the Ajax library used by the Web application developer.


  • 我们研究了几种新的Web应用程序使用现有反向代理服务器方法。

    We looked at several ideas to make use of the existing reverse proxy servers for this second Web application.


  • 正如看到了解什么是代理服务器及其如何最新版本WebSphereApplicationServer工作可以明显地企业Web应用程序带来大量的好处

    As you can see, understanding what the proxy server is how it works in the latest version of WebSphere application server can clearly yield enormous benefits for your enterprise Web applications.


  • 现在我们添加规则限制来自内部代理服务器172.16.10.5对内网应用程序访问

    Now let's add the rules to restrict access to the Intranet application to connections originated in the internal proxy server


  • 因为反向代理服务器具有不同主机所以必须更新WebSphereApplicationServer,以使插件能够入站请求正确映射应用服务器

    Because the reverse proxy server has a different host name, you must update WebSphere application server so that the plug-in can correctly map the inbound request to your application server.


  • 引入一个反向代理服务器保护安装应用Web服务器

    You will introduce a reverse proxy server to protect the Web server installed on the application tier.


  • 通过ApacheWeb服务器添加mod_security模块,即可将反向代理服务器改为应用网关Web应用程序提供更高的安全性

    By adding the mod_security module to the Apache Web server, you can change the reverse proxy server to an application gateway and provide even more security to the Web application.


  • 反向代理服务器终止SSL连接再重新打开另外一个托管HR应用程序Web 应用服务器的 SSL 连接。

    The reverse proxy server would terminate the SSL connection and reopen another SSL connection to the Web application server that hosted the HR application.


  • 然后配置反向代理服务器HTTP请求转发WebSphereCommerce配置应用Web服务器

    You will configure the reverse proxy server to forward HTTP requests to the Web server on the application tier that was configured by WebSphere Commerce.


  • 因此路由信息(以及应用程序通信量)在后端应用服务器cell安全代理服务器cell之间交换

    Thus, routing information (along with application traffic) is exchanged between the back-end application server cell and the secure proxy server cell.


  • Version 6.1中,某个应用程序服务器节点联合部署管理器计算单元中时,部署管理器会应用程序服务器节点上实例化节点代理服务器进程。

    In Version 6.1, when you federate an application server node into a deployment manager cell, the deployment manager instantiates the node agent server process on the application server node.


  • Version 6.0中,某个应用程序服务器节点联合部署管理器计算单元中时,部署管理器会应用程序服务器节点上实例化节点代理服务器进程。

    In Version 6.0, when you federate an application server node into a deployment manager cell, the deployment manager instantiates the node agent server process on the application server node.


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