• 方面,那很好如果应用范围变得更加广泛,那么我们发现可以在整个IT业界使用

    On one hand, it would be great, if the applicability continues to grow and is recognized and used across the IT industry.


  • 数据绑定函数看作是将要应用程序程序方面(aop角度),甚至超出这个混淆问题范围

    Even beyond this confusion issue, I see the data binding function as an aspect (in the AOP sense) that gets applied to the application.


  • 提案范围常常包括多个方面客户希望获得软件产品方面建议,又希望咨询专业人士开发一个端到端的应用程序

    Often the proposal scope is multidimensional, wherein the customer expects both a software product recommendation as well as consulting expertise to develop an end-to-end application.


  • 一些生物技术早已方面得到应用全球范围生物技术在渔业上大规模利用仍具有广阔的应用空间。

    Some biotechnologies have already been applied, but there is ample scope for the greater use of biotechnologies in fisheries management worldwide.


  • 而且对于含有大量函数应用程序来说,在整个应用程序范围启用Psyco,会机器码编译用于高速缓存的内存使用方面增加大量的负担

    Moreover, for applications with large numbers of functions and classes, enabling Psyco application-wide adds a large burden in machine-code compilation and memory-usage for this caching.


  • 可靠性安全性经济性方面电阻接地较明显优势。高电阻接地还可以较大范围推广应用

    The high resistance ground has obvious advantages in reliability, safety and economy, which is worth to be popularized in a wider scope.


  • 现有网上考试系统功能还不够完备,性能适用范围都难以适应大规模应用需要尤其是网络安全方面缺乏保障。

    The function and the performance of existing on-line examination systems haven't satisfied the need of large-scale application, especially in safe transmission of network.


  • 计算机3d人脸对象的应用范围十分广泛,包括虚拟现实辅助教学、远程会议人机交互、游戏娱乐、电影制作诸多方面

    Computer based 3d face model has been widely used in many fields, such as virtual reality, computer aided instruction, teleconference, HCI, computer game, movie making, etc.


  • 讨论了它们特点适用范围,着重介绍这些技术农药残留分析环境有机污染物方面应用

    The applications of these techniques on the analysis of pesticides and organic pollutants in agriculture and environmental samples are presented and discussed.


  • 该热处理工艺使材料韧性硬度方面达到了好的综合性能应用范围

    Through the procedures, the toughness and hardness of the material have got a better synthetical applying field.


  • 介绍现代生物技术基础上论述其在纺织纤维生产开发方面应用范围涉及棉、毛、丝等多种纤维。

    On the basis of introducing modern biotechnology, this paper represents the application of it to the production and development of various textile fibers.


  • 问题应用范围非常广泛本文应用领域、整体描述、名称、分类求解难度等方面做了分析综述

    Cutting stock problem has a wide spectrum of application. This paper gives a full description, classification and analyses the difficulty to solve the problem.


  • 本文简要地介绍了聚苯胺结构合成性能方面的国内外研究进展,对聚苯胺可能应用范围进行了详细的探讨。

    In this paper, the progress of the chain structure, the synthesis and properties of polyaniline have been simply reviewed and the future of potential applications have been carefully explored.


  • 并从原料来源加工过程程度、可制得产品种类及其应用范围经济效益方面展望稻壳综合利用的前景

    It also forecasted future application of rice hulls as for the source of raw material hard degree of the treatment process, sorts of obtained products its applied area and economical effect and so on.


  • 钢筋混凝土结构一直认为耐久性的,伴随应用范围日益广泛耐久性方面劣势被暴露出来

    Reinforced concrete structure has been considered a strong durability, but with the increasingly wide range of applications, the disadvantages of its durability are also exposed.


  • 网络计划技术作为现代项目管理主要技术之一,由于科学管理方面的效益显著,迅速世界范围内得到广泛推广应用

    The Network Program Technique, as a core role of modern project management, because it has notable effect on the scientific management, became popular and been applied widely all over the world.


  • 外延内容涉及思维方式应用技术方面界定了外延范围以及通过外延可能分化的学科

    The latter contains such areas as thinking modes and application technology. The paper also defined the extension range and some new subjects derived from the extension.


  • 主要测定体系测定条件相应光度分析方法出限灵敏度干扰情况、测定范围实际应用方面加以归纳概述

    This article mainly summarizes and generalizes determination system and condition, detection limit or sensitivity, interference, determination range, application of photometric analysis and so on.


  • 本文从氟康抗真菌作用机制药物动力学临床应用范围不良反应氟康唑衍生物合成方面的研究进展进行了综述。

    The progress in researching of fluconazole mechanism of ation, pharmacokinetic, clinical application patterns, side effects and synthesis of fluconazole derivatives was reviewed in this paper.


  • 此外模式系统由于能够较为准确地模拟城市范围污染物的时空分布城市空气污染防治规划方面具有较为广泛的应用前景

    In addition, because the model system can correctly simulate space-time distribution of pollutants, it has a wide application foreground to urban air pollution prevention planning.


  • 特性数学物理方法方面评述了各种解法的特点和应用范围

    Based on both the properties of solution ana mathematical and physical methods, the properties of the solutions and their range of applications are surveyed.


  • 公开了一种新型相位范畴积分仪,有效地满足这些要求,并应用范围广泛性方面优于现有的积分仪。

    A novel phase domain integrator that can meet effectively these requirements and is superior to conventional integrators for a wide range of applications is disclosed.


  • 近年来条形药包空腔爆破应用范围了一定扩展,并且提高爆破效果控制爆破危害方面取得显著效果。

    Recently air-cushion blasting with column charge has been widely used and gained remarkable results in improvment of fragmentation and controlling damage.


  • 并对废纸脱墨废水处理技术研究与应用现状进展及其优缺点和适用范围方面进行了综合论述。

    The article also points out the present situations of technologies applied, and summaries the good respects and bad respects of…


  • 同时本文初步建立了地方税收按月预测模型使得马尔可夫链状预测模型在应用方面得到更大范围的拓展。

    At the same time, the paper elementarily establishes the monthly local revenue forecast model, so as to make the Markov chain forecast model applied in the larger-scale.


  • 由于P 2 P媒体在分散化、可扩展性健壮性成本高性能方面优势,引起了业界的广泛兴趣,开始范围应用

    P2P streaming media has attracted much attention of the industry and gained a great spread with its advantage of distribution, scalability, robustness, low cost and high performance.


  • 但是目前对钢管混凝土研究多数还是集中理论方面,在施工方面没有专门规范进行指导这在一定程度阻碍这种结构形式在更广范围内的应用

    However, a lack of specifications and standards that guide the construction of concrete-filled steel tubular structure has hampered the popular use of this kind of structure to a certain extent.


  • 变形模型对于范围广范一系列视觉问题给出统一的解决方法,并在轮廓提取运动跟踪3d重建立体匹配方面得到了广泛应用

    Deformable models provide a unified account of a number of visual problems, including contour extraction, motion tracking as well as 3d reconstruction and stereo matching.


  • 变形模型对于范围广范一系列视觉问题给出统一的解决方法,并在轮廓提取运动跟踪3d重建立体匹配方面得到了广泛应用

    Deformable models provide a unified account of a number of visual problems, including contour extraction, motion tracking as well as 3d reconstruction and stereo matching.


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