Hypotheses are filtered via statistical methods and reliable subcategorization types are selected.
The hypotheses for subcategorization frames are generated by means of linguistic heuristic information and tested via statistic methods.
At the same time, we apply the statistics method to identify the new words that are inexistent in the dictionary and supply them to the dictionary for the later text word segmentation.
The characteristics of spatiotemporal seasonal changes of SO2 and NO2 and TSP in Huanyin are analyzed by statistical methods.
The purpose of the article was to introduce and apply some simple statistical analysis methods to the results of a workload run.
He has used a statistical tree-drawing method that other biologists have applied successfully to language origins, despite some linguists' skepticism.
有许多 推论统计步骤(根据样本数据估计总体参数的方法)可以被充分利用,但目前却没有应用它们。
An array of inferential statistical procedures (methodologies for estimating population parameters based upon sample data) could be fruitfully exploited, but at present are not being applied.
该方法是一个多维统计评估;对企业级应用程序 进行3维评估
The approach is a multi-dimensional statistical evaluation; enterprise applications are evaluated in three dimensions
I would certainly not side against application code and design in every instance, and in Part 3 of this series, I present methods of monitoring databases for performance statistics.
At least, they would be forced to draw them if they applied the lax statistical methods of their own work to the records of hospital admissions in Ontario, Canada, used by Dr Austin.
Again in line with survey research, applied a series of statistical methods to scale the feasibility, reliability, validity and responsiveness evaluation.
Methods the clinical pharmacology of cardiovascular hospital in 2008 the application of statistical data and analysis.
Using data and applying proven statistical methods are integral to the business process, as is the commercial software used to support the workflows.
A fairly high level has been reached, and gratifying results have been achieved, in the application of statistical methods in the sports domain.
Based on statistical self-similarity of reserves of ore deposits and applying the methods of probability and statistics, a fractal model of reserve-size was established.
The method rule and steps of the evaluation data statistics, evaluation software developed and its application are introduced.
It also covers applications of these methods and models in syntactic parsing, information extraction, statistical machine translation, dialogue systems, and summarization.
The experiment proving: This kind digital filter method is fast, combined with statistical method can realize high accuracy filter, and can apply to industrial control extensively.
This paper analyzes the application of the statistical analysis method to the estimation of the liquefaction of sand.
Objective To analyses the traditional Chinese medicine syndrome of cerebral arteriosclerosis, by the ways of clinical epidemiology and variable cluster analysis.
Aiming at the error in intense hypsography terrain area statistic, the paper puts forward an improved statistic method for intense hypsography terrain, and introduces their application fields.
The course focuses on the utilization of statistical methods as applied to business problems and operations.
Embedding-including statistical methods in the standard operating procedures for business processes-is a powerful method of institutionalizing the proper use of statistical methods.
Charles Paxton of Animal Behavior Research Group at Oxford Universtiy has added statistical techniques to search for sea monstors.
Statistical thinking and methods, as well as proper use of data, can be imbedded into the operation of the process to improve performance and to institutionalize this improved approach.
方法:对我院1998 ~ 2002年口服降血糖药的应用频率、消耗金额进行统计分析。
Method: The frequency and sum of money in consumption of oral hypoglycemic agents during 1998-2002 were analysed.
Fish stock assessment is to use various statistical and mathematical methods to quantify the reactions of fish population to fisheries management choices.
The statistical analysis method has been proved to be effective by practical application.
Statistical Applications are set up to perform complex, difficult statistical analyses such as exception, means, average and pattern analyses.
Statistical Applications are set up to perform complex, difficult statistical analyses such as exception, means, average and pattern analyses.