• 果你想开始一项新的爱好,甚至是寻找新的想法,那么查看《如何开始一个新的爱好的完整指南》。

    If you want to start a new hobby or even search for new ideas, then check out A Full Guide On How To Start A New Hobby.


  • 如果软件产品开始国际性协作,你可以通过诸多项目集合网站的其中一个开始你的计划,刊登广告很容易地找到协作伙伴。

    If you want to start an international collaboration for a new software product, you can easily do it by starting a project on one of the many project hosting Websites and advertise for collaborators.


  • 开始新的版本编写代码时,以前版本所有代码包括缺陷修正)合并在一起开始一个新的代码

    When coding started for a new feature release, all the code from past releases, including the bug fixes were merged together and a new code stream began.


  • 没有上级作出任何可见决策的情况下,蚁群选定新的地点发出信号工蚁开始然后开始进行自我管理。

    Without any visible decision making at a higher level, it chooses a new nest site, signals workers to begin building, and governs itself.


  • 报告艾琳说,他建立家庭。 艾琳,已经开始期待开始一个新的家庭,来自国民谘询。

    There have also been reports that Elin is looking to start a family with her new man.


  • 新的场景开始了,维埃拉在继续画外音:“有人返回营地的非法入侵者(trespasser)开了一之后我们镜头开始摇晃起来。”

    A new scene begins, and Vieira continues her voice-over: "Our cameras begin rolling again after a shot is fired at the returning trespasser."


  • 如果创建一个新的数据源ErrorReferencesourcenotfound下一步开始做到最后否则,从Error: Reference source not found开始,做到最后。

    If you have to create a new datasource, do steps from Error: Reference source not found to the end, otherwise do steps Error: Reference source not found to the end.


  • 现在开始用不断改变坏的习惯一个新的人生吧,从此开始迈向成功

    Here's to starting new life-changing habits, here's to your success.


  • 现在健康问题成为关注之一,可能启发开始自我提升项目建立更好的健康习惯,开始一个新的节食方法。

    Health matters are a concern of yours now, and you may be inspired to begin a self-improvement program, create better health habits, or begin a new diet or fitness regimen.


  • 现在一个重要周期已经开始日冕物质抛射喷发并且疯狂已经开始

    Now a major new cycle has started, the CMEs are erupting, and the madness has begun.


  • 通常开始制作扩展时候开始着手这些素材填充,我们可以对于这个组的这个纹理增加一个新的图层,这样也有助于增强扩展图的层次性。

    However, I typically work this stuff in as I am developing the spread which can add another layer of texture to the composition and be used to strengthen the hierarchy of the spread.


  • 科学家人类开始全球系统造成重大破坏一个新的地质时期由此开始了。

    Scientists say a new geologic epoch has begun whereby humans are causing major damage to global water systems.


  • 金星开始运行至人际关系因而可能会看到新的开始,一次偶然相遇或者事态的忽然转变

    Uranus, the planet of revolution, will visit your house of relationships, so you could see a new beginning come through a chance encounter or possibly a radical shift in your current affair.


  • 元旦开始元旦也是新年第一新年开始第一天,一个祝福

    New Year's day is the beginning of the New Year, New Year's day is the first day of the New Year, wish on the first day of the New Year started, I am the first person to bless you!


  • 新的情人开始新的感情代表着一个干净开始也是一个可以使这些女性重新感觉自己一个女孩的机会。

    A new relationship with a new partner will also represent a clean SLATE, a chance for these women to regain their good girl status.


  • 但是现在开始一个新的故事要开始了。

    But from now on, there's a new story.


  • 开始一个新的翻译,可以发送询问邮件或许有人已经开始着手做了。

    When you want to start a new translation, ask on the mailing if someone is already working on that.


  • 大众需要有一个开始人事方面同样如此。而辞职,也正是这样新的开始扫清障碍。

    Volkswagen needs a fresh start - also in terms of personnel. I am clearing the way for this fresh start with my resignation.


  • 春天开始逻辑时间开始一个新的一年

    The beginning of spring is a logical time to start a New Year.


  • 进的新的开始更多乐趣,更多活动这里一个长的假期高兴欢迎孩子们回来只是一个小小的插曲但是我们就要开始学习了。

    A new month, a new beginning. More fun, more activities are in store. I'm happy to welcome the kids back after the long break. It was a refreshing interlude, but we are back to business this week.


  • 这个博客坦率地说两个男人之间故事以及他们荒谬冒险关于谋杀、推理破坏但是现在开始新的故事要开始了。一个更大的冒险。

    This blog... is the story of two men and their, frankly, ridiculous adventures. Of murder, mystery and mayhem. But from now on, theres a new story. A bigger adventure.


  • 帮助实现一个新的开始重新开始其中包括特别礼物

    She will help you to bring a new beginning or fresh start that includes her special gifts.


  • 资金回撤度量是从资金开始下滑时间开始,直到出现一个新的高点

    A drawdown is measured from the time a retrenchment begins to when a new high is reached.


  • 重要的是生命新的开始,一开始在那里做出新的决定采取新的行动结交新的朋友你的生活完全是一个前所未有的水平

    And most importantly, it's a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you're going to make new decisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life a totally unprecedented level.


  • 开始写入一个新的ZIP文件流定位数据开始

    Begins writing a new ZIP file entry and positions the stream to the start of the entry data.


  • “5月19日非常重要日子因为今天开始我们开始创建新的米兰继续说到,“一支胜利的米兰赛季即将到来。”

    "19 May is an important date because this is the day we started creating a new Milan," he continued, "a winning Milan already next season."


  • 就要日本开始大学生活了,也许意味着一个新的开始

    I will begin university life in Japan, which means that perhaps a new beginning.


  • 就要日本开始大学生活了,也许意味着一个新的开始

    I will begin university life in Japan, which means that perhaps a new beginning.


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