Sure Start has almost nothing to say about the benefits of reading aloud, or the perils of too much television.
Start planning for your summers early ? what would you like to do? where and would you like to live?
It is not quite the Marshall Plan wanted by some, but it is the right start.
To make a start, all that each one of you has to do is to design a business plan for a social business.
Through collaborations like these, Partners for a New Beginning will deepen ties between our people and institutions, and give more Americans the chance to contribute to this common endeavor.
The phases examine how to move from planning the change initiative, proving the approach on pilot projects, rolling out to a wider audience, and the final roll out.
Partners for a New Beginning will be chaired by Secretary Albright.
The goal of this phase is to scope, plan, and highlight the value of the initiative, as described in Table 2.
We've already hit the ground in Chardon and planned and initiated Food Justice Pilot Program by the end of this summer.
On the other hand, its health-care assistance to the poor and unemployed are piecemeal and temporary, designed for quick impact, not as a down-payment on Mr Obama’s more sweeping ambitions.
In Phase 1, you agree on the scope, define the business case, and define the high-level plan and results that you require from the initiative.
These educative programs will be only the beginning of events that lead up to first contact!
它将ApacheSpinnaker 计划的开端记入编年史,这个开端也是Xerces software 的起始。
It chronicles the beginning of the Apache Spinnaker project, which was a refactoring initiative for the Xerces software.
While they make it clear that this is a pilot and thus may not work as a general purpose provider at this point, it's a good first step for an enterprise heavyweight like SAP.
So with a bit of clever planning and motivation, Freshers' Week can give you a great start to your university life and soon you'll be passing on your wisdom to next year's new recruits.
On the other hand, its health-care assistance to the poor and unemployed are piecemeal and temporary, designed for quick impact, not as a down-payment on Mr Obama's more sweeping ambitions.
The beginning of the new cycle is actually creating the plan.
It was about 10 years after the NATO conferences before the first software engineering degree programs began to appear.
The identity of "feathered man" began in 2000. After ten years, a new program starts.
The New Year is a time when many people in the UK start dieting, to lose the weight they gained over the Christmas period.
Thee Google Art Project collection consists of 1,000 works of art by more than 400 artists, and this is only the beginning.
Thee Google Art Project collection consists of 1,000 works of art by more than 400 artists, and this is only the beginning.