Outstanding progress has been achieved in recently years in molecular control research on flowering time.
Water and feed regularly, especially while plants are bearing flowers and fruit, when a high-potash fertilizer is recommended.
Habit is hereditary with plants, as in the period of flowering, in the time of sleep.
The effects of a nitrogen applying stage on both sucrose synthesis in flag leaves and cleavage in grains of wheat were studied by using HPLC and enzymological methods.
Players have a certain period in their career in which they can be defined as blooming.
The effect of ringing on the induction of flowering in ramie was studied with 5 varieties, at 3 ringing-date and under 2 densities.
Effect of drought treatments at florescence, pod-setting and grain-filling on yield was significant and we should pay attention to moisture-managing at this growth stages in producing of soybean.
In the phonological development submodel, the PDT from sowing date to germination, seedling, flowering, fruit setting and harvest were quantified as 4, 9, 45, 56 and 102 days, respectively.
During grain filling, the protein content of strong-gluten wheat was higher than that of medium-gluten wheat, and influenced greatly by filling stage and environment.
During grain filling, the protein content of strong-gluten wheat was higher than that of medium-gluten wheat, and influenced greatly by filling stage and environment.