Indian outsourcing firms are preemptively opening offices all over the world to compete.
Over the next several decades, the foundation opened offices in many countries around the world.
It does not cost a lot to open representative offices, which can then quickly be expanded.
GUSS- EX最近在俄罗斯,乌克兰和白俄罗斯还开设办事处。
GUSS-EX recently also opened offices in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
Many have been opening offices in London and hiring to prepare for this "tidal wave" of opportunities.
We started with opening offices in differentcountries in 2013 to achieve a better level of localization.
Companies are also extending their global operations by forging into new markets. This can involve opening offices or branches, entering into strategic partnerships, or even making acquisitions.
Eagle Controls International opened a new office in Bradenton, Florida, to cover its Sales and marketing activities in North America, Canada and Mexico.
目前,谷歌和苹果等科技巨头正在迅速成立汽车部门。 与此同时,全球最大的几家汽车公司也纷纷在硅谷开设办事处,以招揽工程人才和最新的创意。
Tech companies like Googleand Appleare rapidly building auto divisions. while the world's biggest car companies are opening up Silicon Valley offices to tap into engineering talent and new ideas.
Perhaps as many as a dozen firms have recently opened offices in the new office park, and there were several hundred more acres with construction under way.
Finally, our company decided to send me to Beijing last month to open an office, but one day before the trip I fell sick and was hospitalized for surgery.
Tony Burman, who runs Al Jazeera's three-year-old English-language network, says the broadcaster plans to open 10 news bureaus in the next year, taking the number to about 80.
Opening an international office with her staff of five was impractical, so she joined Penrhyn International, a 42-country consortium of executive search firms.
Amadeus在亚太地区的员工数量也上升了15%,达1 400人。该公司还分别在印度尼西亚的巴厘岛、泰国的苏梅岛和缅甸的仰光三个地区新开设了办事处。
Amadeus also increased its headcount in Asia Pacific by 15% to more than 1, 400 employees and opened three new offices - in Bali, Indonesia; Koh Samui, Thailand; and Yangon, Myanmar.
A new Baer office in Jakarta will be followed by others in Cairo and Istanbul.
We decentralized our operations last year and opened several regional offices.
This year, it opened an office in London, not in one of the scruffy inner suburbs usually inhabited by charities, but close to the Houses of Parliament.
The agency opened an office in China this year and plans to open ones in India and Latin America in 2009.
Realizing the importance of operating in this region, EZTM has recently opened a representative office in Singapore.
We are pleased to inform you that on account of rapid increase in the volume of our trade, we have decided to open another sales office for our products here in New York on August 28.
We are pleased to inform you that on account of rapid increase in the volume of our trade, we have decided to open another sales office for our products here in New York on August 28.