• 一种表现异域风情健身操舞蹈

    It is expressive dance as well as exotic fitness.


  • 参观水族馆就像开启一场颇具异域风情的冒险之旅。

    Embark on an exotic adventure with a visit to the aquarium.


  • 此外颇具异域风情的装饰也是此次促销活动一部分

    In addition, exotic decorations are also part of the sales.


  • 希望常常埃及牙买加这样充满异域风情的地方旅行

    I often wish I could travel to exotic places like Egypt and Jamaica.


  • 还有富有异域风情的元音比如声调的平上去入等等

    Yet much more exotic vowels exist for example that carry tones: pitch that rises falls dips stays low or high and so on.


  • 只要心中有谱,他可能会选择玫瑰雏菊其它充满异域风情花朵

    One may opt for roses, daisies or exotic flowers, if only one keeps the color theme in mind.


  • 如果异域风情海滩度假,那么你会要买套沙摊非正式结婚礼服

    If you are setting for your beach in an exotic location or on a beach, then you want to buy a beach wear dress informal wedding.


  • 戴着个批下许多有机触须奇异头饰,具有一种异域风情

    She bore an exotic beauty and wore an odd headdress draped with organic tentacles.


  • 俄罗斯家庭实在不能买到足够多的充满异域风情的,有醒目图案的英国墙纸

    RUSSIAN households literally cannot get enough exotic, boldly patterned British wallpaper.


  • 这个满目田园风光印尼岛屿灵性美景异域风情完美结合。

    The idyllic Indonesian island is a beautiful combination of spirituality, natural beauty and a taste of the exotic.


  • 音乐总是没有国界的,听完了异域风情的旋律,是不是回归一下本土呢?

    There is always no boundary among songs , having finished those exotic culture , do you want to get back to something native ?


  • 泰国东南亚异域风情的国家同时,也是一个现代传统相交融的大都市

    Thailand is the most exotic countries in Southeast Asia, meanwhile, a modern and traditional metropolis.


  • 的翻译是:敏锐感觉精致妇女带来了观察特别具有异域风情图像色调

    His keen feeling and exquisite observation on women brought special exotic tint to the images.


  • 这些面条有常见的马萨兰口味鸡肉口味,现在还有了十分具有异域风情咖喱口味和番茄奇口味。

    These snacks were launched with pedestrian flavours such as Masala and Chicken, and are now available with exotic ones such as Thrillin Curry and Tricky Tomato.


  • 服装则可以选择做工精细的袖子,体现异域风情印花石榴绿色为主色调的纤维制品。

    The dress should be sheer, with a subtle puff sleeve or spaghetti straps, an exotic print or eyelet fabric in a show-stopping color like pomegranate or sea green.


  • 你们观看电影时,外交官似乎总是非常精彩生活很多国际戏剧事件充满异域风情的地方。

    When you watch the movies, diplomats always seem to have very exciting lives - lots of international drama and exotic locations.


  • 可以华丽餐厅里品尝充满异域风情的美味佳肴时,为什么偏偏要在寒风中用野营炊具自己煮饭呢?

    Why cook rice over a camping stove in the cold and rain when you can eat exotic and gratifying foods from fancy restaurants?


  • 甚至海军蓝西装一些更异域风情的颜色搭配,虽然蓝色一般来说容易和其他颜色产生巨大的色差。

    You can probably even make a navy suit work with moreexotic colors if you have them, although blue is generally too close to make a good contrast.


  • 对于O .尼尔孩子来说酒店生动另一个世界,就像装着妖精瓶子内部满了魔术般的可能性异域风情生物

    For the o 'neill boys, too, the hotel is vivid and otherworldly, like the inside of a genie bottle, teeming with magical possibilities and exotic creatures.


  • 充满异域风情狮子被赏鱼爱好者所青睐。 狮子鱼身上条纹斑斓,色彩丰富,但因为脊柱剧毒,所以被人称为"鱼"。

    The exotic looking lionfish, a favorite of aquarium owners, is a species of multi-colored, striped fish, also known as the Fire Fish because of its venomous spines.


  • 头巾大城 (TurbanSprawl):一个非常有趣文字游戏,描述城市不断扩张的(Sprawl)异域风情的头巾相连

    Turban Sprawl (a very funny wordplay, combining a term describing the tendency of cities to spread out with an exotic headdress)


  • 俱乐部客房全部座落隐现在灌木之间欧洲小镇当中,客人体验异域风情同时可以尽情享受种植园绿色洁净阳光清纯的空气

    Club rooms all located in the bush is now hidden in Europe between the town, the visitors experience at the same time exotic plant can also enjoy the green parks, clean pure sunlight and air.


  • 这项涵盖了2000名女性调查发现她们大多假装自己市中心去玩乐,而事实上她们却独自在家待着,而且还喜欢把一次异域风情假日自己的工作加以美化

    Thee survey of 2000 women found they mostly pretended to be out on the town, when in fact they are home alone, and embellished about an exotic holiday or their job.


  • 作为中国南方傣族自治州,西双版纳的繁茂热带雨林两旁种着棕榈树街道清新空气使长期以来一直是希望逃离北方严冬、在国内欣赏异域风情的人们的避难所

    Home to southern China's dai tribe, Xishuangbanna's lush tropical forests, palm-lined streets and clean air have long made it the exotic domestic sanctuary from frigid northern winters.


  • 丽贝卡·米勒执导影片《帕•私生活》(2009)中,饰演富有异域风情波西米亚舞者而在阿弗莱克执导的电影中大盗》(2010)中,饰演了名吸毒者

    In Rebecca Miller's The Private Lives of Pippa Lee (2009), she played an exotic Bohemian dancer, while Ben Affleck's crime tale The Town (2010) saw her portrayed as a junkie.


  • 通常来讲,正是有着异域风情古怪特点异国腔调的差异会使诧异语言的奇妙。

    Often, it is only the estrangement of foreign tongues, with their many exotic and outlandish features, that brings home the wonder of languages design.


  • 玩笑;投资银行们他们烂的按揭担保证券其他异域风情贷煮得一锅粥。

    Its a joke; it was the investment Banks that created this mess with their putrid mortgage-backed securities and other debt-exotica.


  • 曾经土耳其幼发拉底河涉水,当时了《伊甸园》带子,琳达建议我们的一个女孩应该叫做伊甸听起来熟悉有很异域风情充满女人味又不失坚强

    I was in Turkey,wading in the Euphrates, taping a show about the Garden of Eden, when Lindaproposed that one of our girls be named Eden. It sounded both familiar and exotic, feminineyet strong.


  • 曾经土耳其幼发拉底河涉水,当时了《伊甸园》带子,琳达建议我们的一个女孩应该叫做伊甸听起来熟悉有很异域风情充满女人味又不失坚强

    I was in Turkey,wading in the Euphrates, taping a show about the Garden of Eden, when Lindaproposed that one of our girls be named Eden. It sounded both familiar and exotic, feminineyet strong.


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