• 复合树脂有机树脂基质经过表面处理无机填料以及引发组合成的修复材料广泛用于各类牙缺损的直接和间接修复。

    Composite resin is a kind of dental material composed of resin martrix, pre-treated filler and initiating system which has been widely used in dental restoration.


  • 随机六聚转录一起多个引发逆转录

    Random hexamers prime reverse transcription at multiple points along with the transcript.


  • 之前飞过内华达州时只有一道明亮的闪光现在残骸已经引发多重次级等离子亮尾

    There had been a bright flash earlier over Nevada, and now debris came off that was large enough to cause multiple secondary plasma trails.


  • 电影引发问题快乐痛苦怎样合为一

    Questions This Movie Will Raise: How can pleasure and pain be the same thing?


  • 日本毁灭性地震海啸将日本经济预期更深衰退引发世界第三大经济前景疑虑

    Japan's devastating earthquake and tsunami pushed the economy much further into recession than expected, raising doubts about the prospects for the world's third-largest economy.


  • 世界主要信用评级机构之一葡萄牙偿还债务能力提出质疑,再次引发人们对欧洲较弱经济稳定性担忧

    One of the world's major credit rating agencies is raising doubts about Portugal's ability to pay back its debt, sparking renewed concern about the stability of Europe's weaker economies.


  • 突变lrrk2引发PD病理学表现包括神经元里形成非正常沉积物或者称为内含

    The pathology of PD caused by mutated LRRK2 also includes formation of abnormal deposits, or "inclusions," in the neurons.


  • 他们发现叫作SH3TC2基因连同其复制发生了变异,已知类基因引发CMT的致病基因,也有可能神经传到密切相关。

    They found mutations in both copies of a gene called SH3TC2 that is known to cause CMT disease and is likely involved in nerve transmission.


  • 某些染色失常造成畸形胚胎肿瘤相提并论,而1914年提出假说:多失去某些特定染色,将引发癌症

    Boveri likened some of the resulting malformed embryos to tumors and, in 1914, predicted that gains or losses of specific chromosomes would initiate cancer.


  • 自传记忆内在知识基础引发暂时动态心理结构,其突出特征它总含有层次不同的特定知识。

    Autobiographical memory is a temporary and dynamic mental framework triggered by internal knowledge base and is featured as containing specific knowledge at different levels.


  • 资源稀缺外部性产生根本原因竞争行为手段引发外部性产生

    Scarcity of resources is the ultimate cause of exist of externalities, and the conducts or means of competitions is the medium of it.


  • 这种“情感痛大部分时间处于睡眠状态,但是,可过去受到的伤害共鸣任何事(甚至一个毫无恶意意外)可以引发变成活跃状态

    Much of the time this' pain-body 'lies dormant, but anything that resonates with past hurts (even a chance innocent remark) can trigger it into an active mode.


  • 目的研究等离子引发低密度聚乙烯LDPE表面肝素化以及肝素化LDPE表面抗凝血性组织相容性

    Aim To study the LDPE surface heparinization with plasma initiation technique, and antithrombogenicity and tissue compatibility of heparinizing LDPE surface.


  • 采用引发熔融方法研究了不同反应条件下马来酸酐(MAH)接枝hdpe、接枝共聚pp技EPDM弹性接枝反应。

    The graft reaction of MAH grafted HDPE, PP and EPDM at various conditions is studied by means of polyolefin grafted MAH in melt via heat initiation.


  • 质量分数引发剂质量分数都会影响线性收缩率密度

    Both solid volume fraction and dispersant volume fraction had some effects on shrinkage and density of green body.


  • 采用熔融挤出过程中提高螺杆挤出机转速方法,研究机械引发马来酸酐(MAH)熔融枝弹性poe的接枝反应。

    Grafting of maleic anhydride (MAH) onto POE performed in melting state through mechanical force initiation by increasing the screw rotation speed of twin-screw extruder was studied.


  • 美国一些企业收益报告令人失望引发外界担心这个世界最大经济经济增长放缓,亚洲股市星期一大幅下滑

    Asian stock markets fell sharply Monday after disappointing earnings reports in the United States raised fears of a slowdown in the world's biggest economy.


  • 维氏硬度测试结果显示,出现愈合区的铁组织维氏硬度高于铁素组织,可能原因愈合区中出现多边块结构所引发强化

    Vickers hardness test showed that the hardness of ferrite in healing area is higher than that in matrix, which may result from the strengthening of polyangular grains.


  • 中国其他多数新兴经济未来12至18个月可能看到持续的由需求方面引发通缩,同时名义汇率进一步贬值。

    China and most other emerging economies are likely to see continued demand deflation in the next 12-18 months and further nominal currency depreciation.


  • 石化行业中,粉静电放电会引发火灾、爆炸等事故,因此处理作业过程电量有效实时在线监控,一直静电研究领域十分关注的前沿课题

    So, the effective, real-time and on-line detection of electrostatic charge of particles in the process of particles disposal is the advanced task which has attracted the most attentions.


  • 但是最大危险因素心脏功能不全患的慢性肾脏疾病,这种情况往往引发糖尿病肥胖症治疗的因素。

    But the largest risk factor for heart failure among this group was chronic kidney disease, a condition that is often triggered by untreated diabetes and obesity.


  • 通常情况下错误导致21号染色多余复制引发唐氏综合症。

    Often, the error resulted in an extra copy of chromosome 21, which causes Down's syndrome.


  • 他们发现正常细胞中,BCL9L帮助激活一种叫做半胱天冬酶-2的蛋白质应对异常数量染色引发程序

    They revealed that in normal cells, BCL9L helps activate a protein called caspase-2 in response to an abnormal number of chromosomes, triggering a self-destruct sequence.


  • 丙交甘露糖醇分子引发聚合得到ML—PLLA具有低粘度特性

    ML-PLLA was synthesized by ring-opening polymerization of L-lactide in the presence of mannitol, it has the characteristic of low melt viscosity.


  • 丙交甘露糖醇分子引发聚合得到ML—PLLA具有低粘度特性

    ML-PLLA was synthesized by ring-opening polymerization of L-lactide in the presence of mannitol, it has the characteristic of low melt viscosity.


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