• 当时当地没有消防器械

    There was no firefighting equipment.


  • 绑架者武装警察当时当地击毙。

    The kidnapper was shot dead then and there by the armed policeman.


  • 当时当地的情况下,这样的。

    It was right to do so at that given time and place.


  • 孩子们应付当时当地情绪然后向前走。

    Children seem to deal with the feelings then and there, then move on.


  • 知道当时当地有没有苹果树

    I don't know if they had apple trees back then, there!


  • 封建礼教毒害只是当时当地,对后代贻害无穷

    Feudal ethical codes did not poison people of that time, but also brought endless harm to generations to come.


  • 或许那是当时当地他们应当做的,内心深处难接受人们追逐那些虚幻东西

    It may just be what they need to experience right then and there, but it still kills me inside to see someone chasing something... unreal.


  • 因此游戏词汇教学中的应用应该因地制宜,充分考虑当时当地具体情况

    Therefore, the use of games in teaching vocabulary should adapt to specific situations.


  • 因此存在统一样板模式特定城市化模式当时当地区域条件制约产物

    So there is no uniform model, and the specific urbanization models are a product of the regional conditions at that time.


  • 米兰途中阅读,网络桌面组织,使得文脉当时当地以及内容相关。

    When reading something while you are taking a trip to Milan it may organize itself to be more contextually relevant to that time, place and context.


  • 虽然已置身其中,但当时当地我所碰到的那些确实恼火的事情,我还是一提的。

    While I'm on the subject I'll mention something that truly bothered me while I was there.


  • 另外,就算是同意当时当地进行货币兑换,你信用卡公司还是可能向你收取费用。

    Plus, even if you do agree to an on-site currency conversion, there's a good chance your credit-card company will still charge you the fee.


  • 上面留有当时当地空气味道,好像童年时的威廉斯敦封存50,未曾遭到任何破坏。

    They carry the air of that time and place as if the Williamstown of my childhood had been lying under an unbroken seal for 50 years.


  • 一开始染你的心,一开始产生负面心态时,自然法则当时当地开始惩罚你,不必等到死后

    When you pollute your mind with negative mood, the nature rules will punish you immediately. You do not have to wait till death.


  • 测量压力仪表通常处于大气环境不能直接测量绝对压力,显示的是绝对压力当时当地大气压值。

    Generally, the gage is put in the atmosphere, it can only measure the difference between the absolute pressure and local atmospheric pressure. It can not give out the absolute pressure.


  • 20世纪80年代有许多外国公司日本上市希望可以当时当地公司普遍过高价值中获益,而结果发现事实不是如此。

    In the 1980s many foreign companies listed in Japan, hoping that they would benefit from the exorbitant valuations then common for local firms, only to find that prices were set back home.


  • 人类在某种程度上优于其他动物一点,就是能够思考当时当地事情——比如昨天发生的事或者希望明天发生

    Humans, to a degree unmatched by other animals, are capable of thinking about things outside the here and now-something that happened yesterday, or something they hope will happen tomorrow.


  • 星期一首都出现了一种奇异的景象:在华盛顿码头附近2只大鹿里拉出当时当地新闻工作者正在现场

    And a strange sight in the nation's capital Monday: Local news crews were on the scene as 2 large bucks were pulled from waters near the Tidal Basin in Washington d.


  • 明年8月我们开始阿富汗转交责任我们撤军步调根据当时当地情形而定,我们阿富汗的支持仍将继续。

    And next August, we will begin a transition to Afghan responsibility. The pace of our troop reductions will be determined by conditions on the ground, and our support for Afghanistan will endure.


  • 那晚已经有太多关于世界卫生情况冠冕堂皇长篇大论,里所做的,却是放弃之前辛苦准备的成果,选择最适合当时当地的话题来发表演说

    The evening didn't need another eloquent, grandiose speech about the state of global health. Jerry let go of all his hard preparation in favor of what he saw was best in the moment.


  • 当时古柯叶提取物混合常见滋补品,潘伯顿甜酒则是一可以绕过当地禁止法律的方法。

    At the time, coca leaf extract mixed with wine was a common tonic, and Pemberton's sweet brew was a way to get around local laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol.


  • 当时大量军队驻扎这个省份这些军队的营地防御工事以及他们当地经济参与英国产生相当大的影响

    A large number of troops stayed in the new province, and these troops had a considerable impact on Britain with their camps, fortifications, and participation in the local economy.


  • 事故发生当地时间上午11时30分左右马尼拉入海口当时渡轮刚刚离开马尼拉港口。

    The accident occurred at about 11:30 am local time at the mouth of the Manila Bay shortly after the ferry left Manila's port.


  • 足够坚固的抵挡黄河的水流当时当地来说一种挑战

    It was challenge for the locals back then to build a bridge was strong enough to withstand the current of the Yellow River.


  • 奇尔出差,当时正在酒店收拾行李,并打算去拜访当地的一些朋友。

    Burchill was packing at the hotel on business and planning to visit some friends in the area.


  • 当时俄罗斯唯一大型能源项目并不涉及当地合作伙伴

    At the time it was the only big energy project in Russia that did not involve a local partner.


  • 莳芳当时没有医院而是去当地药店买了因为33岁的丈夫张庭选实在负担不起医疗费用。

    Phuong said she took some medicine bought at a local pharmacy instead of going to the hospital because her and her husband Tuyen, now 33, were too poor to afford it.


  • 当时加州当地一些供水机构提出了解决常年存在问题一个不同解决方案

    At the time, a number of California's local water agencies were proposing a different approach to the state's perennial water problems.


  • 当时加州当地一些供水机构提出了解决常年存在问题一个不同解决方案

    At the time, a number of California's local water agencies were proposing a different approach to the state's perennial water problems.


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