Objective To study the imaging manifestations and diagnostic evaluation of rounded atelectasis.
Objective: To describe the characteristic radiographic appearances of thyroid acropachy (TA) and improve the recognition.
Objective To improve mediastinal giant lymph node hyperplasia, discuss the understanding level on mediastinal giant lymph node hyperplasia of imaging manifestations and diagnostic value.
Objective to investigate the acute aortic dissection color Doppler imaging (CDFI), computed tomography (ct). Magnetic resonance (MRI) imaging performance and diagnostic value.
Conclusion Medical history and imaging manifestation were the main approaches to diagnose nonmetal foreign body in trachea and bronchus.
Objective To analyze X-ray and CT manifestations of traumatic bronchial rupture and to evaluate the imaging signs in making its early diagnosis.
Objective: To discuss lacunar infarction etiology, clinical performance, image changes, differential diagnosis and prognosis.
Result: There was close relationship among the degree of gallbladder inflammation, preoperative manifestation, imaging diagnose, blood test and LC.
方法:将452例l C术后胆囊病理学检查结果与术前患者的临床表现、影像学诊断、血细胞检查及LC手术共同分析。
Method: the gallbladder pathologic findings, the preoperative clinical manifestation, the imaging diagnose and the blood cell test in 452 cases performed LC were analysed.
When the clinical manifestations of DAI are not corresponding to its CT findings, it is necessary to perform thin slice CT scanning or MRI examination.
ObjectiveTo study ct appearances of children leukocoria caused by different intraocular disease and setup image basis for clinical diagnosis.
Method 37 patients of renal TB were proved by pathology or clinical data, analyzing their radiological features.
Conclusions the diagnosis of TOBS mainly depends on the clinical and image features. MRI was better than CT. Comprehensive treatment may improve the survival rate of patients with TOBS.
Objective To investigate the MRI findings and clinical characters of kimura disease, To improve the understanding of the disease diagnosis.
Objective: To discuss the disease characteristic imaging, improve diagnosis accuracy rate and differentiate from occupying lesion of ampulla around.
All the patients had abnormal EEG during the disease. Conclusion the clinical features, CSF, imaging and EEG were all important in diagnosing and estimate of viral encephalitis accompanying GTCS.
Method: Reading domestic and foreign literatures, then analyze and summarize the technique and imaging in diagnosis of mammary cancer.
Conclusion IPMN is a special kind of cystic neoplasm of pancreatic with certain imaging findings , ERCP are benefical to diagnosis and treatment to it.
Objective: to evaluate the MR signs of primary subdural extramedullary tumors so as to improve the level of diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
Objective: to evaluate the MR signs of primary subdural extramedullary tumors so as to improve the level of diagnosis and differential diagnosis.