But I like to think that I hold on to that single, cold pellet of metal as a reminder of how tenuous life is and how one impulsive act can have immense and rippling consequences.
The consequences of climate change for Africans will continue to be far reaching, Challouche says.
And it runs to the present day, when individual human genomes can be analysed for less than $100, 000 and the era of a sequencing machine in every doctor’s surgery is beckoning.
Many in this chamber understand that America must not fail in Iraq - because you understand that the consequences of failure would be grievous and far reaching.
It seems, however, that its consequences (if implemented) would be far-reaching.
If sth. is allowed to take its course, it will be sure/bound to bring about/leave/entail desired (unexpected/grave/immediate/reverse/disastrous/far-re aching) effects/consequences/influences.
If sth. is allowed to take its course, it will be sure/bound to bring about/leave/entail desired (unexpected/grave/immediate/reverse/disastrous/far-re aching) effects/consequences/influences.