• 很大程度仍然一个关于不受欢迎问题更加令人发愁的是需要广的范围内寻求自由安全平衡当然不仅仅美国

    Still, that is largely a matter of mere nuisance. Much more worrying is that a new balance between liberty and security may have to be struck more broadly, and not just in the United States.


  • 这个来自维也纳自由市场信徒的成功很大程度上要归功于福克斯新闻台的主持人格伦•贝克,贝克认为该书传达今日的美国所急切需要的信息

    The Viennese apostle of the free market owes much of his success to Glenn Beck, a TV host on Fox News, who believes the book carries an urgent message for today’s Americans.


  • 这些新的科技进步以及成本持续性降低很大程度上引起这股自由职业的流行风潮。

    These new tech improvements, and constantly lowering costs, are creating what amounts to the perfect storm for starting a freelance business.


  • 维也纳自由市场信徒这时的成功很大程度感谢格伦·贝克这位福克斯新闻电视节目主持人认为此书传递今日美国很多紧迫需要的信息

    The Viennese apostle of the free market owes much of his success to Glenn Beck, a TV host on Fox News, who believes the book carries an urgent message for today's Americans.


  • 其他银行效仿此法,颠覆过去十年来的“自由银行制”——很大程度上靠提高借记卡收费来养活银行——从而招揽数以百万计消费能力较弱的客户。

    If others follow, it would reverse the shift to "free" banking over the past decade-largely financed by rising debit-card fees-which made millions of poorer consumers bankable.


  • 很大程度要归功于苏乐总督睿智治理致力于犯人改造,同时注重自由移民素质的提升

    Much of the progress was due to the sensible management of Governor Sorell, who spared no effort to reform the convicts, as well as to elevate and refine the free settlers.


  • 有些内容可以自由使用,有些则安全性商业限制,很大程度来说这一切只是Web开发人员已经能够处理细枝末节

    Some will be free for use, and some will be restricted for security or commerce, but these are just details that Web developers have already sorted out, for the most part.


  • 来自卡特中心以及西非经济共同体国家选举观察员表示投票很大程度自由公正的。

    Electoral observers from the Carter Center and the Economic Community of West African States say the vote was largely free and fair.


  • 表现技巧很大程度演员表达更多生活场景自由

    The imaginary performance skills largely bring to performers the freedom to express more life scenes.


  • 自由历史很大程度遵守程序保障条款的历史。 。

    The history of liberty has largely been the history of the observance of procedural safeguards.


  • 有某些一味追求经济效应的拳击项目自由搏击项目等,很大程度已经偏离体育精神

    Some boxing events and free combat events, which blindly seek economic profit, have already deviated from the sports spirits to a large extend.


  • 很大程度经济学家就是社会良知他们秉承心灵自由翱翔之精神追寻深层真理即使作出个人牺牲也在所不惜。

    To a great extent, economists are the conscience of society who seek underlying truth even at their personal sacrifices, under the spirit of the free play of the mind.


  • 很大程度上限制了写主体学术心态自由,从而成为我们重写文学史最严重的内在阻力

    All these, to a certain degree, have deeply influenced the history writers' believes and become the internal resistance in rewriting the literary history.


  • 关押一方面限制了犯罪分子的自由另外一方面震慑了潜在犯罪分子犯罪,因此很大程度维护了社会稳定

    Imprisonment on the one hand restricts criminals' freedom, on the other hand deters potential offenders from committing a crime so that it, to a large degree, maintains social stability.


  • 个人真正自由建立个体外部环境内心世界理解的基础上,其很大程度取决于个体本身对自由的理解。

    The real freedom cannot be substituted by anything and lies in the individual's understanding of both outside circumstances and the inner world.


  • 个人真正自由建立个体外部环境内心世界理解的基础上,其很大程度取决于个体本身对自由的理解。

    The real freedom cannot be substituted by anything and lies in the individual's understanding of both outside circumstances and the inner world.


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