• 拥有稳定婚姻关系和帮朋友也是很有助于提升幸福感。

    Keeping up friendships is important too, as is a stable marriage.


  • 但是努力地工作专注于工作可能有助于战胜分手后开始压力

    But working harder and concentrating only on the job might well help to overcome the initial stress of the breakup.


  • 如果了解一下出版者个人背景有助于理解材料

    I guess it would help if I knew something about the background of the publishers of the material I read.


  • 水表出水管安装减压阀有助于保护住宅管道系统

    A pressure reducing valve installed on the discharge side of the water meter can be most helpful in protecting the residential piping system.


  • 描写一张相片或许别的图像有助于激活大脑创造性一边

    Help activate the creative side of your brain by trying to describe a photo or other image.


  • 描绘一张照片或者其他图片有助于激活大脑创造性一边

    Help activate the creative side of your brain by trying to describe a photo or other image.


  • 描绘一张照片或者其他图片有助于激活孩子大脑创造性一边

    Help activate the creative side of children's brain by trying to describe a photo or other image.


  • 可能严格遵守但是我会尽量的,使得生活会有序的进行并且有助于我实现自己的目标。

    It may be hard for me to follow it exactly, but I will try, that makes my life well-organized and could be of great help for my goal-pursuit.


  • 这个文件保持及时更新好处,因为有助于其他人弄清添加什么特性以及它们何时为主发行版一部分

    This is really a good thing to keep up to date as it helps other people figure out what features were added, and when they became part of the main distribution.


  • 有用因为这样不仅可以保持Web服务代码简洁而且有助于从已有的任何业务逻辑代码中分离出web服务代码。

    This is very useful because not only can it keep the Web service code concise, but also it can help to separate the Web service code from any business logic code you already have.


  • jQueryUI项目历史有趣的并且或少有助于解释为什么这种方式构建这个项目,以及为什么3 个部分差别如此大。

    The history of the jQuery UI project is actually quite interesting and may help explain a little why the project is built the way it is, and why the three parts of the library seem so different.


  • 这些研究是否有助于帮助幸存下来的那个双胞胎还是有争议的。认知问题解决问题先决所在,点法如博士似乎已经做到了。

    Whether this knowledge can be used to help surviving twins is moot. But identifying a problem is the first step to remedying it. Dr Pharoah seems to have done that.


  • 照片信件有用知道特殊日子也会有助于片段记忆时间联系起来,比如兄弟姐妹生日搬家的日子。

    Photographs and letters are also helpful; knowing specific dates like the birth of a sibling or a move to a different house can help place fragmentary memories in time.


  • 切斯特说:“考虑每种交通方式最佳最差载客水平有必要的,这有助于了解这种交通方式的潜力。”

    "It is necessary to consider modes at their best and worst ridership levels to understand the potential of the system," said Chester.


  • 对于将要上准妈妈的女性来说,叶酸有必要补充的。它有助于降低胱氨酸水平从而减少罹患心脏疾病风险

    Folic acid supplementation is recommended for any woman who may become pregnant and may also help reduce homocysteine levels, which might help reduce the risk of heart disease.


  • 苹果甚至有助于防止血栓尤其心脏保健有效

    The apple pie spice can even help prevent blood clots, making it especially heart smart.


  • 这种设定有助于改善后代遗传品种,使优秀基因能够在优胜劣汰的进程中得以保存。这非常冷酷无情效果

    This agenda improves the genetic variety of offspring, and the greater the variety, the better our genes' chances of surviving into the future. Cold, heartless, but effective.


  • 当然DTD模式XML模式都有助于XML结构验证然而有时文档并不需要引用它们——这些场景下,结构验证可能有用

    Of course, DTD's and XML schemas facilitate XML structure validation; however, sometimes documents don't reference themin these scenarios, structure validation can be helpful.


  • 有些真的有趣而且看上去十分美味),因此我们确信一合集有助于使创造力之泉(或唾液?)源源流出来充盈你的想象力

    Some are really fun (and look delicious too), so we’re sure that this collection will help feed your imagination by getting your creative (digestive?) juices flowing.


  • 反复阅读同一本书常常好处的:都会学到不同生词,而熟悉背景有助于这些新词牢牢地印脑海中

    It often pays to read the same book over and over again: each time you read it you will learn different new words, and the familiar context helps to fix them in your mind.


  • 沃尔芬森指出,“emilSalim博士领导利害攸关者进程发挥作用促成我们思路方面有价值有助于开展有关采掘工业全球对话。”

    "The role played by the stakeholder process led by Dr. Emil Salim was valuable in shaping our thinking and has contributed to global dialogue on extractive industries" Wolfensohn said.


  • 一个新的工作环境中必要使成员相互认识和了解,这样有助于提高工作效率。

    It is necessary to acquaint with each other in a new working environment for it helps to improve working efficiency.


  • 关系型数据库一个主要优点如果数据库设计有效存在数据余,这有助于保证数据库的完整性

    One major advantage of the relational model is that, if a database is designed efficiently, there should be no duplication of any data; helping to maintain database integrity.


  • 有趣了,因为羽轴似乎有助于飞行

    That is interesting because the rachis seems to aid in flight.


  • 了解这些特点有助于对宋代货币经济全面理解认识宋代货币流通出现一些现象有意义。

    We can get a comprehensive understanding of the currency economy by knowing these characteristics, also it was helpful for understanding some phenomena in the money circulation of Song Dynasty.


  • 面膜常常含有矿物质维生素水果精华有助于强化肌肤经常做面膜有好处

    Face masks often contain minerals, vitamins and fruit extracts that help strengthen the skin. Doing facing masks always benefits.


  • 是的清除阻塞毛孔粉尘油脂有效。它可以去除脸上细胞而且有助于促进循环

    Yeah. It's pretty effective in wiping out pore clogging dirt and oil. It rids your face of dead cells and helps stimulate circulation


  • 是的清除阻塞毛孔粉尘油脂有效。它可以去除脸上细胞而且有助于促进循环

    Yeah. It's pretty effective in wiping out pore clogging dirt and oil. It rids your face of dead cells and helps stimulate circulation


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