• 有可能认为这会花上你实际时间还长,而且随着最后期限的临近,你最终会茫然盯着几页纸

    Most likely, you will believe that this will take more time than you actually have and you will end up staring blankly at the pages as the deadline draws near.


  • 有可能这些波动二氧化硫大量增加减少,一次一次发生

    It is quite possible that these fluctuations, the huge increase and decrease of sulfur dioxide, happening again and again.


  • 有可能平时频繁,而且看一眼的时间会比平时一点

    Chances are that he looks at you more often than is usual with glances a little longer than the normal.


  • 虽然自己可能很有,但要正确管理困难

    While it may be fun to have your own money to spend, it can also be difficult trying to manage it properly.


  • 炼身体以尽可能流失水分,这是很有趣的。

    It's fun to workout away to lose as little water as possible.


  • 如果候选人所列出经验能力,该候选人就有可能能够成功完成任务。

    If a candidate can demonstrate the listed experience and abilities, it is likely that candidate will be successful with the task.


  • 实质上立场坚定指出:采用基于时间盒的迭代或者持续集成可能遇到的情况很有帮助,但这不意味着敏捷”了。

    In essence, she takes a hard line that doing things like working in timeboxed iterations or doing continuous integration, while likely to improve your situation, does not mean you're doing "agile".


  • 一个可爱童星本色出演了一些动作片,可能已经足够通过大众的评审。

    When a child star is cute and has a few instinctual acting moves, that's probably enough for him to get by.


  • 这种状况的持续存在限制通胀鉴于二者之间差距实属巨大,即使经济平稳健康恢复,仍旧很有可能长期保持低通胀率。

    While this persists it will constrain inflationary pressures—and given the gap’s size, it is likely to last a long time, even with a healthy recovery.


  • 世界人悲观认为“人民力量有可能导致索马里式的混乱伊拉克式的内战伊朗式的压迫

    Many around the world fret that "people power" will likely result in Somalia-style chaos, Iraq-style civil war or Iran-style oppression.


  • 假设凑巧忘记付账单如果初犯,记得要打电话公司礼貌请求对方免收滞后有可能对方是答应的。

    Say, by chance you do forget a bill, if you are a first time offender, call the company and request politely to waive the late fees, and more likely than not, they will oblige.


  • 好消息如果发现自己‘变’了,那么你有可能更好消除了这些细胞

    The good news is if you do find yourself graying, you’re probably better off not having those cells persist.


  • 不正确绘制这些分类器很有可能使结构图读者感到混乱,以后系统不能适应需求

    Drawing these classifiers incorrectly will likely confuse readers of your structure diagram, and the ensuing system will probably not meet requirements.


  • 达顿条运河交界处,当水土比例有可能平常事实。但是另一方面坦率马克氏却不一样。

    It is true that Montargis lies at the junction of two canals and it probably has a slightly higher than normal water-to-land ratio, but frankly, Saint Mark's it is not.


  • 即使更高级教育显然预防作用的,即使诺贝尔奖获得者诊断为阿尔茨海默的,尽管他们的教育有可能帮助他们小小减轻了症状

    While higher education is clearly protective, even Nobel Laureates have been diagnosed with the disease, although it’s likely their education helped them stave off the symptoms for a little bit.


  • 由于临近印度可能人们在两来回往返。

    Given its close proximity to the South India, it is very likely that people have traveled back and forth throughout human history.


  • 了解孩子是不是遇到麻烦很有可能因你潜在愤怒失望羞愧不敢告诉即使孩子关系不错或者自己是这么认为的,这种情况会发生。

    Know that if your teen gets into hot water, he may be too embarrassed or afraid of your wrath and disappointment to tell you, even if you have a great relationship with your teen orthink you do.


  • 倒是很有趣,可能认为不过是小玩意罢了,如果技术跟上的话,它微妙改变我们阅读小说方式

    This is interesting. It could be regarded as a gimmick, but if it catches on, it will subtly change the way we experience fiction.


  • 但是努力工作专注于工作可能助于战胜分手后开始压力

    But working harder and concentrating only on the job might well help to overcome the initial stress of the breakup.


  • 同样应用程序连接作用域可能限。

    Likewise, the scope of application connectivity might be limited.


  • 很有可能是因为人们认为殖民不会什么发现

    Probably, he said, it was because people thought nothing good could come out of the colonies.


  • 不可否认法国不能效率保护弱势股东可能是导致结果的部分原因,但至少也暗额外的投票权并非解决问题的万灵丹

    Admittedly, France's feeble safeguards for minority shareholders may be partly responsible for this result-but at the very least that suggests that extra voting rights are no cure-all.


  • 一些还未美国宇航局天体计划发现的小行星,很有可能撞击我们一个称为1950DA的现象有可能2880年出现

    None of the objects yet discovered by NASA's Near earth objects program have a high probability of hitting the earth — though one known as 1950 DA will come extremely close in 2880.


  • 可能发现XML文档读取用,但是必要清楚表明您是如何最佳完成这个操作的。

    You might find it useful to read from an existing, and valid, XML document, but it's not necessarily obvious how you can best achieve this.


  • 人们更多了解时,他们可能开始喜欢你。

    When people understand you more, there is a better chance they will begin to like you.


  • 虽然情况的确可能如此(尤其是治疗师给病人布置了某个具体主题的“作业”时),但实际上可能每次治疗的内容已经安排满满当当了。

    While sometimes that may indeed be the caseespecially if the therapist has given you “homeworkon a specific topic — it may also be that each session may already be full.


  • 有可能一个创造性相冲突目标,创造性常常要求任何约束开发新的应用程序

    This can very well be viewed as a conflicting objective to the creativity that is required to come up with new applications, which often does not follow any constraints.


  • 例如,在适当的时候,修改结构名称更好适应NIEM模型可能用。

    For example, it might be useful to modify the structure or names to better fit the NIEM model, where appropriate.


  • 保持帐面资金意味着明智花钱,但是一定资金以备不时之需很有价值的事情可以极大提高成功可能

    Having money in the bank doesn't mean you should spend unwisely, but having some funds for a rainy day is a valuable thing and can greatly improve the likelihood of success.


  • 保持帐面资金意味着明智花钱,但是一定资金以备不时之需很有价值的事情可以极大提高成功可能

    Having money in the bank doesn't mean you should spend unwisely, but having some funds for a rainy day is a valuable thing and can greatly improve the likelihood of success.


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