微小球体的直径范围在60 至 100微米。
The microspheres' diameters vary from 60 to 100 micrometers.
The existing tolerance value table is imperfect, resulting in a range of issues such as batch production, surface quality and machining accuracy in designing and processing microminiature parts.
菱镉矿的晶粒微小,一般只有几个微米,大者几十微米,常与菱锌矿、 硫镉矿共生或伴生在一起,呈疏松集合体、皮壳或薄膜状产出。
Otavite grains are very tiny in size, being commonly only several microns, and the large ones are several tens of microns.
Microcapsules are particles of a size between 1 and 1,000 microns consisting of a core material and defined thin shell wall.
Microcapsules are particles of a size between 1 and 1,000 microns consisting of a core material and defined thin shell wall.