This is a faithful record of my position on the eve of Teheran .
The distance between Cairo, from which the North Africa Conference was announced, and Teheran is 1, 250 miles.
He told a private meeting of Aipac donors that the task of building an international coalition against Tehran will be made easier if Israel and the Palestinians hold a constructive dialogue.
The meeting was the first of its kind since Tehran missed a deadline to respond to a package of incentives offered in October by western nations in exchange for Iran halting uranium enrichment.
Iran is holding its own nuclear conference in Tehran this Saturday and Sunday.
Iranian officials have said they would consider an invitation and are willing to help in Afghanistan, but have yet to announce which officials would travel from Tehran to the meeting.
Iranian officials have said they would consider an invitation and are willing to help in Afghanistan, but have yet to announce which officials would travel from Tehran to the meeting.