• 恋爱感觉会影响复杂认知功能心理表征隐喻身体幻象

    The love feeling also affects sophisticated cognitive functions, such as mental representation, metaphors and body image.


  • 现实表征心理表征语言表征紧密联系的三个概念

    Factual representation, psychological representation and linguistic representation are closely interrelated.


  • 研究考察了背景线索连续性客体心理表征连续性作用。

    This paper investigates the influence of contextual cues persistence on persisting representation of object.


  • 研究通过词汇判断作业考察中文字合成词心理表征问题。

    The study examined the mental representation of Chinese two-character words by the word decision task.


  • 问题解决中的心理表征思维特征一直认知心理研究重要领域

    It is an important domain in cognitive psychology to study the mental representations and characteristic of thinking in problem solving.


  • 二类观点以心理表征概念为基础,分别提出了建构水平表征差别选择偏好影响

    The second one, based on the concept of mental representation, investigated the effect of construal level on choice preference.


  • 阅读理解效果好坏,建立语篇心理表征质量如何,阅读推理具有密切的关系。

    The effect of reading, the quality of mental model was related largely with inference in reading.


  • 语言交际认知为基础因为语言使用牵涉到存放在我们大脑里各种心理表征知识结构

    Linguistic communication is cognition based, because use of language involves all sorts of psychological representations and knowledge structures stored in our brain.


  • 影响大脑复杂智力过程坠入爱河时,心理表征具体表现甚至身体意象都会受到影响。

    Love influences sophisticated intellectual processes of the brain too. When a person feels in love, their mental representation, metaphors and even body image are also affected.


  • 语言观”维护者核心观点对于大于4的数字的心理表征操作数值,语言是必不可少的。

    The key claim of defenders of the 'language thesis' is that language is necessary for mental representation and manipulation of numerosities greater than 4.


  • 认知语境性、语用距离象似性等级数量象似性等三方面来考察礼貌心理表征象似性。

    The iconicity of politeness in the mental representation is discussed, which can be examined from cognitive context iconicity, pragmatic distance iconicity and scalar quantity iconicity.


  • 兴趣”因素虽然属于个体一种心理表征但它导致目标实现过程有着不可低估的积极作用

    Although "interest" belongs to the psychological manifestation of an individual, it has an active effect in the process which leads to the achievement of the goal.


  • 以往心理模拟句子理解方面研究很多但是对于颜色信息心理表征的研究没有得到充分的重视。

    There are many researches on mental simulation and sentence comprehension, but research on the mental representation of color information was not paid enough attention to.


  • 认知语言学角度分析社会心理表征形成以及社会心理表征对于理解文化因素而构成隐喻作用

    This paper made an analysis of the formation of social psychological representation through cognitive linguistics and its role of understanding the metaphors from the cultural elements.


  • 认知语言学家认为照应指称对象存在人们工作记忆中,不是存在于语篇语境中。照应指称人的心理表征

    Cognitive linguists argue that the referent of an anaphor is an entity existing in the human working memory rather than in the text or certain context.


  • 口误研究属于心理语言学范畴目的是通过口误揭示语言产生心理机制包括语言的心理表征语言的心理过程

    The study of this kind of speech errors lies in the domain of psycholinguistics, with the aim of discovering the mechanism of language production, including mental representation and mental process.


  • 间接研究当前焦点在于发现传统语法中的形式纽带而是在于从篇的心理表征心理连贯角度进行阐释。

    In the research on indirect anaphora, the current focus is not the formal ties in traditional grammar, but the mental representation and mental coherence of the text.


  • 本文探讨认知语言学如下三方面理论缺陷1心理表征心理现实性问题2身体化特征意象图式理论;3隐喻理论。

    This paper probes into the following theoretical defects of cognitive linguistics: 1 psychological representation and psychological reality; 2 Embodiment and image schema; 3 Metaphor.


  • 研究立足于自传记忆功能探讨功能内在机制核心自传记忆人格特质之间的关系心理表征进行了初步分析

    Based on the function of AM, this study tries to explore the mental representation and relationship of each other, and attempts to analyze the core of internal mechanism of it.


  • 通过盲人现象分析揭示知觉缺失状态下人类认知中的领域特殊性问题,并根据福多心理模块理论探讨心理表征形成的条件与限制。

    According to the phenomemon how a blind man look at the road, the paper analyses the domain specificity of man's cognition when the perception has been defaulted.


  • 词典用户技能研究是词典用户研究一个重要环节,本文实验结果相关研究出发,着重分析了词典用户技能的性质词典使用过程中高级词典用户技能的心理表征

    Based on the results of the experimental study and relevant literature, the article explores the nature of dictionary users skills, and their mental representation in the dictionary use.


  • 格式塔学派心理学家认为,物体平行过程中被识别整体的:在一个单一操作中,内部表征视网膜图像匹配

    Psychologists of the Gestalt school maintain that objects are recognized as wholes in a parallel procedure: the internal representation is matched with the retinal image in a single operation.


  • 数学教育心理国际研讨1989年专门成立研究小组这个小组称为表征研究工作小组,主要研究数学表征的有关问题。

    The international group for the psychology of mathematics education (PME), set up a study group, the group known as representation working group to mainly study mathematics representation in 1989.


  • 土族服饰艺术土族文化特色显象表征,是土族特有审美追求审美心理自然体现

    The Tus ' dress art is the most characteristic outside symbol of the Tus ' culture and the natural embodiment of the unique aesthetic pursuit and aesthetic mentality.


  • 化学概念表征化学教育心理重要研究对象

    The representation of chemical concepts is an important topic in educational psychology for chemistry.


  • 双语心理词典表征结构问题上一直存在许多争论。

    There are some controversies over the mental lexicon representation structure of bilinguals.


  • 双语者心理词汇语义表征逐渐成为研究重要领域

    The semantic representation of bilingual mental lexicon is becoming an important area of inquiry.


  • 主要根据第二语言词汇的研究成果,提出了英汉双语心理词典表征结构的新模式。

    The paper mainly explores the lexical representations in bilingual mental lexicon based on the current studies with reference to second language vocabulary acquisition.


  • 几乎所有精神心理学内容定义中都包含了“运用生理表征解读心理行为”的过程

    Common to all definitions of psychophysiology is that it involves the use of physiological signals to understand psychological processes.


  • 一过程师生间心理机制交互作用下,借助对话表征方式依附一定理性模式实现的。

    This process, attaching itself to certain rational model by way of dialogue presentation, is realized in condition of mutual effect of psychological mechanism between teacher and students.


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