The melancholiac has fallen into a fixed condition of despondency.
Sufferers of generalized anxiety disorder have persistent and exaggerated worries and constantly expect disaster.
The effects of Rational-Emotive Group therapy on improving irrational belief …
Conclusion the Shi's Bianstone therapy is superior to routine treatment in treating CHD patients with anxiety or hypochondria.
Much more. Inone scene, a hypochondriac inadvertently dirties his hand while helping an old man to the toilet.
Depressives recover when they change the life situation that is distressing them, sometimes with dramatic swiftness.
This is significant because depression — especially if it goes untreated — can be debilitating for the patient and his or her family.
A hypochondriac, his life is filled with vague complaints-stress, fatigue and mysterious aches-for which he takes fistfuls of pills.
Such an experience may be far from unusual, but the trouble with "hypochondria" is that it turns out to be as protean and indefinable as its victims' morbid fantasies.
The various studies that Mitchell, Vaze and Rao reviewed used different methods to verify whether doctors had missed depression in their patients.
Those who don’t die suffer serious health effects such as heart and kidney problems, depression, epilepsy, anemia and brittle bones.
在所有人中,约有20 %的人报告有忧郁症状;5年后,与没有抑郁症的人相比较,这些患者会额外有50 %较高的心脏问题的风险。
In all, about 20% of the participants reported depressive symptoms; over five years, those patients had a 50% higher rate of additional heart problems, compared with their non-depressed peers.
Depression also has physical impacts: it has been linked to higher mortality for patients with heart disease and to poorer self-care among diabetics - and worse outcomes.
There are nearly 54 million people around the world with severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder (manic-depressive illness),.
Having both depression and type 2 diabetes increases the risk of death for heart patients.
Our data appear to show an important interaction between type 2 diabetes and depression, meaning that physicians should closely monitor their heart patients who have both of these disorders.
In order to answer the question, we must first understand how depression can insidiously affect the well-being of its sufferers.
It may also be used to help both the sufferer and his or her family members learn how to cope with depression.
It may also be used to help both the sufferer and his or her family members learn how to cope with depression.