Likewise, individuals may complain that the same thought or idea keeps going through their minds even though they don't want it to.
The exchange of ideas tends to be helpful for all people involved, and can spark new business or interpersonal ideas in between all of you.
The business continuity plan may be thought of as a methodology or as an enterprise wide mentality of conducting day-to-day business.
This kind of idea and thinking method has lost the significance of history criticism and moral animadversion .
TMAP is a visual representation of a Black Belt's, team leader's or an entire team's thoughts, ideas and questions relative to accomplishing the project goal.
A concept put together by thought, either in the future or according to the past, is an ideal - an idea projected or a remembrance.
The meaning of mathematic education do not lie in developing mathematicians, but lie in developing the person, s mathematic idea and mathematic thought.
The same or similar literary ideas and artistic styles are the basic conditions for the formation of one literary school.
That concept implies educational opportunity for all children - the fight of each child to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capacity, whether that capacity be small or great.
That concept implies educational opportunity for all children - the fight of each child to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capacity, whether that capacity be small or great.