• 这些持肯定态度当代批评家尤其注意每个作家美国社会生活描写贡献特别是风俗习惯性格类型地域差异

    These approving contemporary critics were particularly alert to each writer's contribution to the depiction of American social life, especially to regional differences in manners and character types.


  • 性格类型大脑结构不同关系——就可以解释为什么孩子会冲动外向,另一个却会谨慎内省

    Personality types are linked with structural differences in the brain - which could explain why one child grows up to be impulsive and outgoing while another becomes diligent and introspective.


  • 让我们详细分析这点然后我们回顾一下组建团队需要组合性格技能类型

    Let's take a closer look at this; then we'll review the personality types and skill sets that you'll want to combine in assembling your team.


  • 这项课题调研他们在孩童时期搬家的次数、搬家对他们心理健康性格类型以及社会关系的影响。

    The subjects were asked how many times they had moved as children, as well as about their psychological well-being, personality type and social relationships.


  • 识别不同性格类型听众沟通偏好

    Identify the communication preferences of the different personality types in your audience.


  • 通过了解性格类型可让你找到(寰宇一家出版)。

    Finding Real Love By Understanding Your Personality Type (Oneworld Publications).


  • 两个类型看起来好像完全不相干它们统一在一起的,就是故事强烈人物性格特征,如果没有这一特征,此类故事将不复存在。

    These two types of stories seem polar opposites, but what holds them together and defines them is the strong central character that creates the reason for the story to be told.


  • 这些研究者他们工作八月份上一篇文章中作了详细的报告,报告暗示说个人性格类型与个人身体免疫系统以及压力反应系统有关

    The researchers, who detail their work in the August issue of the journal Archives of Surgery, suggest the personality type is linked with the body's immune system as well as stress response system.


  • 著名作家卡萨诺瓦,很多情事,因此名字成为一个唐璜性格类型代名词

    Casanova the famous writer who had lots of love affairs, so his name has become synonymous with a Don Juan type of character.


  • 现在如果完全忽视科学途径巴尔的摩太阳报出版(捏造)了这本指南,你可以从中知道喜欢的糖果透露了你怎样的性格类型

    Now if you were to completely disregard the scientific method, the Baltimore Sun published this (totally invented) guide to what your favorite candy says about your personality type.


  • 虽然性格类型癌症风险看似没有生物学联系,但是某些性格能够增加降低癌症风险的行为有关

    Even though there doesn't appear to be a biological connection between personality type and cancer risk, certain traits are associated with behaviors that can raise or lower that risk.


  • 就意味着要重视我们性格类型潜在问题区域

    That means taking a hard look at our personality type's potential problem areas.


  • 提示可以一个性格测试这样更好地了解自己性格类型

    Tip: you can make a personality test, this can help you to better understand your personality type.


  • 所以在购买母亲节礼物之前最先了解你母亲性格类型

    The most basic essential to be understood before going gift shopping on Mothers Day is the personality type of your mom.


  • 每个人都自己最喜欢的颜色但是测试声称通过一系列颜色组合反应判断性格类型

    Everyone has a favourite colour but a new quiz claims to be able to work out your personality type based on how you respond to a series of hue combinations.


  • 结果:统计学分析各组之间均显著性差异托槽脱落各种性格类型之间存在一定的关系。

    Results According to statistic analysis, there is significant difference among each group, there is certain relation between brackets bond failure and various kinds of Characters.


  • 根据20世纪瑞士精神病学家卡尔•荣格理论内向者外向者两种基本性格类型

    Introvert and extrovert are the two basic personality types according to the theories of the 20th-century Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung.


  • 监狱警察焦虑发生年龄工作年限婚姻状况性格工作生活满意感行为类型有关

    The anxiety of prison policemen was related with age, working lifetime, marriage, personality, satisfaction of work and life as well as behavior type.


  • 性格是哪类型的?

    What type of personality do you have?


  • 中间性格顾名思义就是包含内向外向两种特征性格类型两种特征占主导因此,中间性格一种更加平衡性格

    Ambiverts, as the name suggests, have both introverted and extroverted characteristics. But neither trait is dominant. As a result, ambiverts have more balanced personalities.


  • 如果对待国家类型严肃一个性格猜他国籍有趣的。

    As long as national types are not taken too seriously, it's fun trying to guess a person's nationality from their personality.


  • 与此同时没有忘记注意多个方面自身素质文化借用大量各种类型的书,培养自己性格就这样

    At the same time, I also did not forget to pay attention to more aspects of the quality of their own culture, to borrow a large number of various types of books, to cultivate their own character, so.


  • 与此同时没有忘记注意多个方面自身素质文化借用大量各种类型的书,培养自己性格就这样

    At the same time, I also did not forget to pay attention to more aspects of the quality of their own culture, to borrow a large number of various types of books, to cultivate their own character, so.


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