• 在建筑结构体系可靠衡量结构整体性能一个重要指标

    Reliability of system is an important index that scales the whole performances of building structures.


  • 传动机构动作可靠度机构性能一个重要指标,动态特征的分析实施有效控制重要意义

    The performance reliability of transmission mechanisms is an important feature of the performance, analysis of the dynamic characteristics is of significance to enforcement of effective control.


  • 小节说明备援是如何改善网路可靠度性能

    This page will explain how redundancy can improve network reliability and performance.


  • 体系可靠衡量结构整体性能一个重要指标

    Reliability of system is an important index that evaluates holistic performance of structures.


  • 聚苯混凝土粘合力塑料力、压缩率及抗冻试验表明体系性能可靠安全

    The tests of bonding power between polystyrene board and concrete, plastic expanded tube pull- out, compressibility, freeze resistance show the system property is reliable and high safe.


  • 研究利用参数有限元技术分析复合材料层合结构力学性能结构可靠度方法,并基于ANSYS软件平台开发相应参数化有限元程序

    Parametric FEM technique is used to analyze the mechanical performance and structural reliability of composite laminate structures. The parametric FEM code based on ANSYS is given.


  • 通过划伤试验测试数据可靠度分析,研究管道防护层划伤性能

    The gouge resistance of three kinds of pipeline external coating was evaluated by using gouge test and data analysis of reliability.


  • 结构可靠度理论处理结构不确定性、进行结构性能评估有力工具

    Structural reliability theory is a powerful tool to solve structure uncertainties and evaluate structural performance.


  • 所给出设计分布式共享内存策略增强整个光传系统可靠容错性能

    Redundancy design technology and distributed Shared memory strategy are used to enhance the reliability and fault-tolerance capability of the whole system.


  • 所给出设计分布式共享内存策略增强整个光传系统可靠容错性能

    Redundancy design technology and distributed shared memory strategy is used to enhance the reliability and fault-tolerance capability of the whole system.


  • 所给出设计分布式共享内存策略增强整个光传系统可靠容错性能

    Redundancy design technology and distributed Shared memory strategy were used to enhance the reliability and fault-tolerance capability of the whole system.


  • 基于性能抗震设计是以体系可靠理论基础的。

    The foundation of the performance-based seismic design was the theory of reliability of system.


  • 轴承真球表面粗糙轴承性能可靠有显著影响

    The sphericity and the surface roughness of bearing balls significantly influence performance and reliability of the bearing.


  • 复合材料机械性能加工制造等过程密切相关,材料性能离散较大因此考虑不确定性因素的结构可靠分析非常必要。

    The mechanical properties of composite materials are correlated with the manufacturing process, and their diversity is generally larger than that of metals, so the reliability analysis is important.


  • 随着VLSI器件集成性能不断提高,人们对自动测试发备(ate)的要求越来越,这主要表现性能、高可靠适应能力、成本等方面。

    With the unceasingly improvement of integration, speed and performance of VLSI devices, ATE is expected to have high reliability, strong adaptability and low cost as well as high performance.


  • 本文描述上海天文台改善泽标准频率稳定工作可靠所采用主要技术,同时给出了采用这些技术后氢脉泽的新的性能数据

    This paper describes approaches taken by the Shanghai Observatory to increase the frequency stability and operational reliability of its hydrogen maser. Performances of the new maser are given.


  • 公司生产产品具有效益高、性能可靠灵敏高、回正能力、寿命重量轻、方向操纵性能优异等特点。

    The products of the company features high efficiency and sensitivity, reliable performance, strong correction ability, long service life, light weight and outstanding direction control ability.


  • 因此保护具有灵敏可靠自适应性通用性强优良性能

    Therefore, the protections proposed have excellent performance of higher sensitiveness and reliability, more strong auto-adaptive ability and generality.


  • 系统可靠分析可靠性理论重要分支可修系统而言,可用可靠平均工作时间是其重要的性能指标。

    Repairable systems reliability is an important branch of the reliability theory. For a repairable system, availability, reliability and mean time between failures are all important indexes.


  • 仪器性能稳定、可靠灵敏分辨率

    The instrument is stable and reliable and has high sensitivity and resolution.


  • 可靠设计评估技术进行了讨论,提出了基于性能可靠评定工程方法

    Having discussed the technology of reliability design and evaluation, and suggested an approach of evaluating the reliability based on functional margin.


  • 简述变形失效准则为基础的基于性能抗震结构设计理论进展概况,内容包括:基于性能确定性抗震设计理论;基于性能的抗震可靠度设计理论。

    The recent development situation on the certainty seismic design theory and the reliability seismic design theory based on structural performance is introduced in this paper.


  • 桁架式跨河管架结构优化可靠度分析关系架的整体性能,对管道安全运行有着重要的作用。

    Structure optimization and reliability analysis of truss river-crossing related to the overall performance of pipeline structures. And it plays an important part in structure's safe operation.


  • 分析并指出了我国现行结构耐火设计方法缺点,建议采用性能化设计方法提高结构耐火设计的可靠

    It is proposed that the base-performance design should be introduced to improve the reliability of fire resistance of steel structure.


  • 本文论述了结构性能劣化原因提出考虑抗力变化的结构可靠度分析方法

    In this paper, the causes of structural performance deterioration are discussed and an analysis method for deteriorating structures is presented.


  • 试验结果表明方案具有实现容易集成高的特点;研制动力传动控制系统工作可靠性能良好

    The test result showed that the scheme had high integration level and could be put into practice easily, and the powertrain control system had good performance and reliability.


  • 通过不同检测方法检测,找出不同方法之间的相关性,确保检测数据可靠达到控制密实力学性能质量要求

    By different kind of test methods, find out relativity between different methods. So we can reach the control of compactness, mechanics capability quality requirement.


  • 系统测试结果表明:整机性能稳定可靠达到系统可靠设计要求

    The simulations show that the performance of instrument is stable and reliable, which meet the design requirement of system reliability.


  • 实际应用表明,系统结构合理性能可靠提高信息集成,使生产管理得到了优化

    It is proved through practical application that the system construction is reasonable and highly reliable. It improves the degree of information integration and optimizes production management.


  • 实际应用表明,系统结构合理性能可靠提高信息集成,使生产管理得到了优化

    It is proved through practical application that the system construction is reasonable and highly reliable. It improves the degree of information integration and optimizes production management.


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