• 直面战争恐怖

    She was brought face-to-face with the horrors of war.


  • 幼时就面临战争恐怖

    She was at an early age brought face to face with the horrors of war.


  • 当今世界战争恐怖主义,经济危机大规模爆发传染性疾病威胁未知因素层出不穷,人类能否这样一个环境中享受和平生活

    Is it possible to enjoy a peaceful life in a world that is increasingly challenged by threats and uncertainties from wars, terrorism, economic crises and a widespread outbreak of infectious diseases?


  • 这座被毁教堂保留下来,时刻提醒人们战争恐怖

    The damaged church was preserved as a constant reminder of the horrors of war.


  • 世界旅游组织数据显示,尽管恐怖主义、战争疾病肆虐了,但全球旅游业适度增长中国推动旅游业增长引擎

    There has been modest growth in tourism worldwide despite two years of terrorism, war, and disease, and China is the engine driving it, according to the World Tourism Organization.


  • 战争恐怖状况想想觉得很可怕。

    It is frightening to even think of the horror of nuclear war.


  • 然而这些战争以及我们对抗恐怖极端主义的努力只是我们战略环境一个组成部分,不能以此来界定美国的战略环境。

    Yet these wars—and our global efforts to successfully counter violent extremismare only one element of our strategic environment and cannot define America’s engagement with the world.


  • 但是奥巴马觉得避免针对伊拉克阿富汗场与美国有关的战争当前恐怖威胁的政策突然转变重要

    But Obama found it more important to avoid an abrupt change in the global security policy given the two US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the ongoing terror threat.


  • 这场战争规模宏大,令人难以想象仅仅几张照片根本无法记录整场战争,所以就将这些视为恐怖东线战事的一瞥吧!

    The vastness of the scale of the warfare is nearly unimaginable, and nearly impossible to capture in a handful of images, so take these as a mere glimpse of the horrors of the Eastern Front.


  • 首次面向几百名观众公映中,他们的舞台剧发生上次以色列战争中的恐怖故事主要情节,在短片播放的同时,孩子们在台上讲述自己战争中的遭遇。

    Their first performance in front of several hundred people involved a recounting of the horrors of the last war with Israel, with children speaking about their own fears as video of the war played.


  • 随着战争爆发死亡人数不断攀升,因此应征入伍的人也越来越多了,人们也随之嗅到了法国那边的恐怖气氛,这个时候原则战争评论家出现了。

    There were principled critics of the war when hostilities broke out and more were recruited as the death toll mounted and people became aware of the horrors in France.


  • 牛津大学出版社,9·11恐怖事件发生忧心如焚家长老师图书馆已经不能招架孩子对于这场战争的强烈好奇心了,因此他们正在加紧印《养家的人》。

    Oxford University Press said it rushed publication after worried parents, teachers and librarians struggled to answer children's questions in the wake of the September 11 attacks.


  • 我们教科书颂扬战争掩饰战争恐怖它们仇恨灌输孩子们他们和平教他们战争,向他们灌输而不灌输

    Our textbooks celebrate war, and cover up the horrors of war. They instill hatred in children. I will teach them peace, not war, love them, and not hate them.


  • 关于自己非洲家乡以及自己如何背井离乡逃离恐怖战争故事,让她们着迷之后他就会她们寻求经济支持

    He would also fascinate them with fanciful stories about his homeland in Africa and how he had fled horrific wars leaving his family behind - and later he would ask for financial assistance for them.


  • 他们工作改变了感知战争方式因为不折不扣地记录了战争死亡恐怖战场阵亡者死前的状态。

    Their work changed the way war was perceived, for it showed in uncompromising detail the horrors of death in war and the unceremonious expediencies of battlefield last rites.


  • 如同武器先进使得战争更加可怕为了说服那些怂恿人,媒体技术战争恐怖传达每个人

    Similarly, as war is made more horrible by advances in weapons technology, argue those who are encouraged by this approach, media technologies drive the horrors of war home to everyone.


  • 游戏后经验会使感恺阿富汗人(美军)是何等胆量因为是个可怕的经验但反映了战争恐怖之处。

    The experience you come out of it with is an appreciation of what absolutely massive balls the guys in Afghanistan must have, because it's a frightening experience but also shows how horrific war is.


  • 由于战争恐怖不确定性对于前方战士来说,学习这种语言就显得尤为重要。

    The terrors and uncertainties of war make learning this kind of language especially compelling for soldiers on the front.


  • 作为战争学习的反应就是写恐怖小说

    Fan wrote the novel in response to learning of the war on terror.


  • 今天关于4名记者贾拉拉巴德前往喀布尔途中遇害消息显示阿富汗报道恐怖战争危险性。

    The news that four journalists were killed on the road from Jalalabad to Kabul today tragically demonstrate the perils of reporting the war on terrorism from inside Afghanistan.


  • 惊人的:军事统治主要借口美国人所熟知-反恐战争(永远介意勇士们自己实施的恐怖)。

    And this is striking: the main excuse for his martial law is one that is all too familiar to Americans - the war on terror (and never mind the terror dispensed by the warriors themselves).


  • 沉船特搜队》系列节目要带领观众穿梭时空,见识战争恐怖以及吉利海峡幽暗海里的秘辛。

    Sea Hunters transports viewers back into a different time and place, showing the horror of war and the remains that lay beneath the murky waters of the English Channel.


  • 短短年中他们经历生命中多次危难,虽在周围有千受到恐怖战争害,他们却安置天使翅膀之上有时候就是这样的!

    In a few short years they lived several lifetimes of danger. As thousands around them fell victim to the horrors of war, they were borne up on angels' Wings sometimes quite literally.


  • 恐怖事件美国国家战略发生转移,制定了“先发制人军事战略,推行反恐战争

    Since "9.11" terrorist event, American state strategy were diverted, then set the military strategy of "wipe one's eye", and undertook the war of opposing terrorist.


  • 恐怖事件美国国家战略发生转移,制定了“先发制人军事战略,推行反恐战争

    Since "9.11" terrorist event, American state strategy were diverted, then set the military strategy of "wipe one's eye", and undertook the war of opposing terrorist.


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