• 大地摇晃那些悬崖似乎颤动

    The ground shook and the cliffs seemed to vibrate.


  • 巍峨悬崖海湾笼罩阴影里。

    The bay was shadowed by magnificent cliffs.


  • 他们个接着一个沿悬崖小径前进

    They made their way in single file along the cliff path.


  • 湖水陡峭悬崖景观吸引着游客

    The view of lake and plunging cliffs seduces visitors.


  • 城堡坐落高高的悬崖,十分壮观。

    The castle is magnificently sited high up on a cliff.


  • 该镇坐落一个陡峭悬崖边上

    The town is perched on the edge of a steep, precipitous cliff.


  • 成千上万的海鸟悬崖筑巢

    Thousands of seabirds are nesting on the cliffs.


  • 悬崖海港景色一览无余

    From his position on the cliff top, he had a good view of the harbour.


  • 地震座整座城镇掀到悬崖之下。

    The earthquake plunged entire towns over the edge of the cliffs.


  • 这位国王现在正站政治悬崖边缘

    The king now stands on the brink of a political precipice.


  • 他们零零散散地沿着悬崖小路走上来。

    They came straggling up the cliff road.


  • 他们沿着环绕村庄陡峭悬崖向上爬

    They climbed upward along the steep cliffs surrounding the village.


  • 卡车正沿着赞比西山谷悬崖缓慢行驶。

    The truck was trundling along the escarpment of the Zambesi valley.


  • 他们绳索把放下悬崖

    They lowered him down the cliff on a rope.


  • 悬崖峭壁高耸于他们上方

    The cliffs towered above them.


  • 他们草地上拖着脚步慢慢走向悬崖

    They shuffled slowly down the turf toward the cliff's edge.


  • 拼命挣扎着悬崖壁上块岩石

    He was struggling to hold onto a rock on the face of the cliff.


  • 悬崖海滩拔地而起。

    The cliffs rise sheer from the beach.


  • 悬崖几乎笔陡的。

    The cliff was almost vertical.


  • 河水倒映出的光影沿着悬崖底部轻快地跳动

    Patterns of light, reflected by the river, dance along the base of the cliffs.


  • 汽车下了悬崖

    The car rolled over the edge of a cliff.


  • 悬崖边上

    He stood on the edge of the cliff.


  • 人们认为列火车到了从悬崖铁轨大圆石。

    It is thought that the train hit a boulder that had fallen down a cliff on to the track.


  • 该市议会今年早些时候委托地质专家们这些悬崖进行勘测

    The city council commissioned geological experts earlier this year to survey the cliffs.


  • 亚历克西斯沿着海岸向前走然后块凸出悬崖阴凉处重新看起书来

    Alexis walked up the coast, and resumed his reading in the shade of an overhanging cliff.


  • 只狗悬崖底部活了下来

    The dog survived by drinking water from the base of the cliff.


  • 那些悬崖好像长着许许多多玫瑰

    It looks as if many, many roses were growing on those cliffs.


  • 从前雏鹰悬崖巢里

    Once there was a baby eagle living in a nest on a cliff.


  • 看着悬崖大家都一把汗

    Watching him climb up the precipice, everybody was breathless with anxiety.


  • 名志愿者通过绳索悬崖了下来。

    Six volunteers slid down the cliff with the help of a rope.


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