• 数额较大惩罚性的损害赔偿判决可能提起上诉美国最高法院作出裁定。

    Large punitive damages awards can be the subject for appeal under the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States.


  • 除此之外,美国最高法院还公布惩罚性损害赔偿补偿性损害赔偿比例关系

    In addition, relationship between punitive damages and compensatory damages is a ratio that has been addressed by the Supreme Court of the United States.


  • 除非管辖权司法管辖区另有规定,XXX不对任何间接后续性或者惩罚性损害赔偿由XXX支付的补偿金承担责任。

    Unless required by the law of competent jurisdiction, XXX shall not be liable for any indirect, consequential or punitive damages.


  • 在针对企业轻率诉讼过度的惩罚性损害赔偿持有保守的观点

    But he took a conservative view of frivolous lawsuits against corporations and excessive punitive damages.


  • 毕竟,1989发生阿拉斯加附近海域埃克森瓦尔迪兹号”泄露事件,美国的最高法院用了差不多20做出惩罚性损害赔偿的判决。

    The Supreme Court, after all, took almost 20 years to settle the punitive damages arising from the Exxon Valdez spill off Alaska in 1989.


  • 报业集团对此次事件展开了激烈争论。是涉及个人隐私权问题而请求天价惩罚性惩戒性损害赔偿以及补偿性损害赔偿前所未有诉讼

    News Group Newspapers is strongly contesting the action, which includes an unprecedented claim in a privacy case for exemplary or punitive damages as well as compensatory damages.


  • 苹果(Apple)因专利问题起诉三星。苹果三星的Galaxy智能手机平板电脑侵犯了苹果项专利权要求三星停止侵权,支付实际损害赔偿惩罚性赔偿金。

    Apple filed a patent suit against Samsung, claiming the company's Galaxy smartphones and tablets infringe on several patents and asking for injunctions, actual damages and punitive damages.


  • 惩罚性损害赔偿制度广泛施行英美法系国家一项法律救济制度。

    Punitive damages system is extensively carry out as a system of legal aid in common law legal family countries.


  • 任何情况下网站造成的直接间接偶然必然的,特殊的,惩罚性惩戒性损害赔偿,本网站承担任何责任

    In any case, due to the site direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary damages, the website and its owners do not undertake any responsibility.


  • 然而我国惩罚性损害赔偿制度与英美发达国家惩罚性损害赔偿制度相比存在很大差距

    However, the punitive damages system of our country is still much dropped behind, compared to that of such developed countries as Britain and US.


  • 作为英美法系民事损害赔偿判例中普遍采用制度惩罚性赔偿制度具有独特价值作用

    The punitive damages system has its special value and effect as being a widely adopted system in the civil prejudication of the damage and compensation in the common law system.


  • 由于反垄断法特殊立法目的公法属性决定垄断损害赔偿具有不同一般民事损害赔偿惩罚性

    Due to the special legislative purpose and the public attribute of the antitrust law, which determine that the antitrust damages has different penalty in damage compensations in the civil law.


  • 本文损害赔偿倍数利息侵害利益惩罚性损害赔偿四个角度进行论述。

    The paper mainly has four views-a multiple of the amount of compensation, the interests, interest and punitive damages for compensation.


  • 惩罚性虽然只是精神损害赔偿附带功能,却是精神损害赔偿惩罚性赔偿得以互补的中介。

    Although the main body of pay for spirit injury isn t punitive, the punishment is the bridge of mutual benefit of punitive damages and pay for spirit injury.


  • 本文主要围绕如何建立行之有效惩罚性损害赔偿制度来解决我国产品市场日益严重假冒伪劣现状展开论述。

    This dissertation focuses on the increasing and serious false commodity phenomenon in China and how to dead with it by theory and methodology of punitive damages system.


  • 产品责任损害赔偿除了具有补偿性之外是否还具有惩罚性则体现了人们法律责任主观判断

    Whether product liability indemnity bears the character of discipline besides the compensation property, it manifests people's subjective judgment on legal obligation.


  • 提出惩罚性损害赔偿属于特殊民事责任应该纳入民法典

    This paper concludes that since the punitive damages belongs to the civil case responsibility, it should be brought into the civil code.


  • 基于惩罚性赔偿制度历史沿革介绍,本文从法理学经济学角度惩罚性损害赔偿制度本身的合理性进行了深入的分析

    The article looks back to the history of the punitive damages and analyzes its rationality in views of jurisprudence and economics.


  • 我国立法对于产品责任欠缺惩罚性损害赔偿规定消费者合法权益得不到有效的维护。

    In China the law of product quality does not include the regulation of moral damage compensation, so the rights and interests of consumers are not properly guaranteed.


  • 产品责任中的惩罚性损害赔偿一直一个理论实务界都充满争议问题

    The punitive damages in product liability is always a question being full of disputes in theory and reality.


  • 垄断惩罚性赔偿制度肇始美国制度初衷通过多倍损害赔偿潜在收益激励私人实施托拉斯

    The punitive damages of antitrust law originated from USA and its original intention is to encourage the private to implement antitrust law through the potential benefit of damages.


  • 本文试图就如何我国确立惩罚性损害赔偿制度提出自己构想

    The author attempts to establish the system of our country's punitive damages system and puts forward his own views.


  • 一方面,拒绝收回一个适当的需求恶意证据连同其他证据可能足以支持裁决惩罚性损害赔偿

    On the other hand, a refusal to retract after a proper demand therefor is evidence of malice, which, along with other proof, may be sufficient to support an award of punitive damages.


  • 一方面,拒绝收回一个适当的需求恶意证据连同其他证据可能足以支持裁决惩罚性损害赔偿

    On the other hand, a refusal to retract after a proper demand therefor is evidence of malice, which, along with other proof, may be sufficient to support an award of punitive damages.


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