• 供应链角度有效地管理客户知识提高企业成本有效性供应链效率至关重要。

    From supply chain's perspective, it is crucial to manage customer knowledge efficiently in order to improve the cost and supply chain efficiencies.


  • 执行生产任务运用精益生产批次方法一个安全成本有效性质量和生产率的工作模式;

    Perform the production with Lean Manufacturing process and batch card process with a safe, cost effective, quality and productivity manner.


  • 这种可移动性概念会在数据应用程序安全性和可管理性方面造成问题这些问题会限制移动解决方案有效性增加运营成本

    This concept of mobility creates issues of security and manageability of data and applications, and both issues limit the effectiveness of mobile solutions while increasing their operational cost.


  • 测试自动化常常当做减少测试成本增加测试覆盖率有效性缩短测试周期手段

    Test automation is often seen as a way to reduce the costs of testing, increase test coverage and effectiveness, and shorten testing cycles.


  • 有害趋势可以表明不适当设计重新工作的需求技术成本以及进度基线都负面影响——可能对系统操作有效性有潜在影响。

    Adverse trends would indicate inadequate design and a need for rework, with negative impact on technical, cost, and schedule baselinesand potentially on the system's operational effectiveness.


  • 治理有效性度量业务获取良好治理组织更广泛企业交付价值方式例如事务平均成本

    Governance effectiveness measures that capture at a business level how well the governed organization is delivering value to the broader enterprise, such as the average cost of a transaction.


  • 可以显著降低处理成本提高管理数据经济有效性

    This dramatically reduces processing costs and creates economies of scale to administer your master data effectively.


  • 报告警告性地指出几乎所有地球工程学设想所存在风险,可行性、成本有效性环境社会影响等方面都存在巨大的不确定性。

    The report warned of the great uncertainty about the feasibility, costs, effectiveness and environmental and social consequences of almost all geoengineering ideas.


  • 通过创建侧重部署测试套件可以检验部署的有效性减少下游错误开发成本

    By creating a suite that focuses on deployment tests, you can verify the efficacy of the deployment, reducing downstream errors and development costs.


  • 这个迁移过程目标提高经济有效性降低拥有成本

    The goals of this journey are to keep improving cost efficiencies and keep lowering total cost of ownership.


  • 规定公司经济性度量质量体系有效性范围方法确保通过质量成本分析改进质量,进而达到提高经济效益

    Provisions of company economic measure the effectiveness of the quality management system and method, ensure the quality cost analysis to improve quality, and to improve economic benefit.


  • 其中涉及财务信息5项实践包括软件成本花费(劳动力形式)、评估有效性

    There are five practices related to financial information, which cover software costs, effort (in the form of labor), estimates, and actuals.


  • 交通工程师负责规划完善运输系统提高基础设施有效性以及流动人口和运费成本效率可能需要注册工作许可

    Plans and develops transport systems to improve infrastructure efficiency and the cost effectiveness of moving people and freight. Registration or licensing may be required.


  • 通过示例,说明成本账户有机配合形成成本账户流程有效性也即意味着成本会计核算的有效性

    The present paper illustrates that the proper combination of various cost accounts can form an organic process, its effectiveness meaning that of costing.


  • 然后扩展分析银行模拟利润考核有效性模拟利润成本之间权衡以及模拟利润的最优精确水平

    Secondly, it analyzes the tradeoff between the availability of the simulation profit check system and cost of the simulation profit, and calculates the accuracy level of the simulation profit.


  • 他们应对沙门氏感染预防成本有效性有一个正确的理解。

    They should also assess the cost and potential effectiveness of salmonella infections prevention measures.


  • 通过价值链分析确定增值作业建立各种体系以此保证煤矿成本控制系统有效性

    By analyzing the value chain to ascertain increment task to construct system of many kinds in order to assure system's validity.


  • 通常会增加聚类程序有效性同时减少成本使用这样计划

    This often increases the effectiveness of the clustering programs, while reducing the cost of using such programs.


  • 然后通过具体的实例说明改进后的重置成本有效性

    Then, a real application shows that the improvement Production Costs Method is very useful and effective.


  • 通过“标尺竞争”可以提高激励强度降低代理成本增强激励有效性

    The paper also indicates that yardstick competition can improve the intensity of motivation, reduce the agency cost, and strengthen the validity of motivation.


  • 成本-收益分析法提高金融监管有效性分析框架。

    Cost and benefit analysis is the approach to study how to improve the efficiency of financial regulation and supervision.


  • 尽管成本似乎合理事实有效性环境限制

    Despite the fact that the cost seems to be reasonable, it also has limitation on the effectiveness and environment.


  • 因而提高软件测试有效性测试效率降低软件开发成本已成为软件工程师迫切需要解决任务之一

    Thus, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of testing and reducing the software developing cost becomes one of the urgent tasks for software engineers.


  • 英格兰测试系统分析结果表明,系统总发电成本增加最小的情况下,系统的稳定程度已提高到设定的目标,证明了算法有效性

    The generator cost increased least after generation rescheduling to meet high stability requirements in New England test power system, which shows effectiveness of the algorithm.


  • 执行培训计划定期分析培训效果提出改进建议,不断降低培训成本提高培训有效性

    Execute training plans and analyse training effectiveness regularly. Make improvement proposals to reduce training cost and improve training effectiveness;


  • 随着项目复杂度成本不断增多,对项目管理有效性要求也越来越

    With the increases of complexity and cost of a project, project management becomes more and more important.


  • 因而提高软件测试有效性测试效率降低软件开发成本已成为软件工程师迫切需要解决任务之一

    Thus, improving the effectivity and efficiency of testing and reducing the software developing cost becomes one of the urgent tasks for software engineers.


  • 结果表明经济学的成本分析模型常规的分析方法结果一致,进一步验证了分析的准确性有效性

    The results show that this thermoeconomic cost diagnosis analysis model is closely consistent to routine analysis method, and its reliability is high.


  • 网络库存管理系统电子商务中的重要组成部分,库存管理系统设计有效性直接影响客户的满意度经营成本的高低。

    The Design of Network inventory management system as a important component of E-commerce directly effects on the satisfaction degree of customer and running cost.


  • 网络库存管理系统电子商务中的重要组成部分,库存管理系统设计有效性直接影响客户的满意度经营成本的高低。

    The Design of Network inventory management system as a important component of E-commerce directly effects on the satisfaction degree of customer and running cost.


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