So weremember fewer facts and we remember more sources, which website you saw it onor whose e-mail to look in to find that… .
To counter denial, tell your child as often as necessary that yes, Grandpa is dead, and will not return, but those who love him will always remember him.
During particularly torturous workouts, my martial arts instructor would say to us: "Remember, you're paying me for this, so you might as well enjoy it."
We will always remember your charming smile, as well as what's even more charming - your gentle and beautiful soul.
Her name is pronounced Cansu so she will appreciate your keeping that in mind when you say hello to her in person, Cansu being our head TF.
So if you are a sports fan, remember that when the Olympic Games have finished, the Paralympics are just about to begin.
The one thing to remember is that you are never all alone - Saturn can make us feel that way, but it's an illusion.
"You've got to remember that, Mrs Beaver," said Susan. "as soon as she has looked in here and finds we're gone she'll be off at top speed."
Sirius: But know this; the ones that love us never really leave us. And you can always find them in here.
They leapt with delight, put out their heads, and cried to him, we will remember you and repay you for saving us.
Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand.
最后一个影响我们记忆和长期记忆的因素是重复。 如果没有重新浏览或重新结合你读过的材料,那么你在现实世界中能够记住并应用这些知识的几率会相当低。
I'm going to run through how to make sure you're using all three of these components while reading, and then look at how some of the best creative minds read and use what they've read to the.
最后一个影响我们记忆和长期记忆的因素是重复。 如果没有重新浏览或重新结合你读过的材料,那么你在现实世界中能够记住并应用这些知识的几率会相当低。
I'm going to run through how to make sure you're using all three of these components while reading, and then look at how some of the best creative minds read and use what they've read to the.