"They just figured these people don't know very much so we won't ask them," says John Amagoalik, an Inuit leader and politician.
但这再也不会过多困扰我了因为我知道他只是他这一类型的典型,而我也是我这一类型的典型- - -我们有化学依据可以证明的。
But it doesn't bother me so much because I know he's being true to his type, and I'm being true to mine - we have the chemistry to prove it.
Now we have passed half way, I know that will be fine, so I just concentrate on the running.
We wonder if, had some professors been on the platform, would they have paused to ponder how John Stuart Mill might have parsed the choices?
I then knew the truth - Santa was real, and he wasn't coming to see us.
Believe us that it is never so, as all lives are of value to you even though you may not understand the reason.
We like the pure silk scarf very much. I wonder if the color won't run from the silk pieces.
Course I do. I said we'll only scare him. We won't actually push him under or anything.
Looked around my humble small apartment, I knew you wouldn't mind falling in love with me though there was less space for dancing, but not kissing.
We may never know the exact content of what Van der Sar told his younger colleague, but it is fair to say it was probably more than just a good-luck message.
I just do not always know what to say so that we will not misunderstand each other.
It just keeps reminding us of how precious life is, and that we never know when it's our time.
We cannot, and we will not, tell them that they must surrender merely because of present inability to pay for the weapons which we know they must have.
To change the world around us we don't gotta be famous Verse:3 So when the next time someone says you won't ever make it, just smile and wave back cuz they won't know how to take it.
To change the world around us we don't gotta be famous Verse:3 So when the next time someone says you won't ever make it, just smile and wave back cuz they won't know how to take it.