• 为了建立一个我们生活其中世界我们必须诚信行事

    It is essential that we act with integrity in order to build the kind of world in which we want to live.


  • 迪尔解释说:“我们发现由于一直在寻找捕捉可能想要抓紧的东西,所以事实上你看待这个世界的角度可能会稍有不同。”

    "What we find is you actually look at the world slightly differently, because you're looking for things you want to capture, that you may want to hang onto," Diehl explains.


  • 今年我们颁出没有一个国家世界冠军地球糟糕国家奖。

    THIS year we have revived a world championship that no nation wants to win: the award for being the worst country on Earth.


  • 最后仍然认为我们能够做到,”:“无论在何处眼睛闪光年轻人告诉博士他们为了世界更加美好的事。”

    "At the end of the day, I still think we can do it," she says. "Everywhere I go there are young people with shining eyes wanting to tell Dr Jane what they are doing to make the world better."


  • 我们赢得世界冠军因为这会西班牙赢得另一青年锦标赛冠军

    We’d love to win this World Cup because it’s about time Spain won another global youth tournament.


  • 因此为了准确地对真实世界使用建模我们使用只有RationalPerformance Tester才有的特性,随机输入加入测试软件

    Therefore, to more accurately model real-world use, we also wanted to use features unique to Rational Performance Tester to move input randomization to the test software.


  • 托雷斯由于伤病世界杯中表现得不够,他说:“这时间赛跑我们马德里的时候一切都那么完美,当我们到达南非就变得有些糟糕,我不是世界而是我的伤病,最终我们取得了要的结果,但是对于我个人而言是另外一回事。”

    It was a race against time. When we were in Madrid it seemed that everything was perfect, then we came to South Africa, and it wasn't OK.


  • 是的我们生活世界不是我们想要生活的世界

    Yes, the world we live in is not yet the world I want to live in.


  • 注意我们有时候也会忘了自己个性努力想要融入周围世界

    I noticed that sometimes we forget about our individuality and try to blend in with our surroundings.


  • 奥巴马说:“但是想要美国人民我们世界伙伴了解我们渡过这个难关情况变得好起来我们将一起走出低谷。”

    But what I want the American people and our partners around the world to know is this: we are going to get through this, "said Obama." Things will get better, and we are going to get there together.


  • 我们没有一个我们可以共同分享世界给予想要我拥有空间

    We did not have a world that we Shared; she gave me the space in her life that she wanted me to have.


  • 如果我们年老保持身体健康,我们科技必须领先世界

    If we want to be healthy as we age, we have to be the leading scientific country in the world.


  • 我们行业艰难时刻啊。光是关掉世界新闻报》就可怕了,虽然有时报纸简直

    These are difficult times for our industry. It's horrible to think of News of the World closing, even though it sometimes drives me mad.


  • 不是标题世界我们或者应该生活地方

    I'm not saying that headline-world is the place we want to or should live in.


  • 由于我们更好了解这个世界,因此,不能因为这个信仰我们所熟悉的,就执着于它。

    Since we want to get a better understanding of the world, there's no use in clinging to our beliefs because they're more familiar and comfortable to us.


  • 总之教育阶级种族的隔阂意味着世界不是我们那么

    Barriers such as education, class and race mean the world is not as small as we might like to believe, it is argued.


  • 我们世界不仅仅只有冰冷钢筋水泥胡城市没有要的绿皮书

    Our world is much more than the cold steel of the city and green paper everyone seems to want more of.


  • 非常令人惊奇我们文化告诉我们我们一直习惯于认为奢侈品必须的,然而我们大多数世界东西其实并不是我们要的。看看你的家里现在(或当你回家)。

    It's amazing what our culture has done to us: we have been conditioned to believe that luxuries are a necessity, that we need things that most of the world doesn't even dream of having.


  • 就是我们打仗目标嘛,”比恩插嘴道,“想要地球,就是因为地球跟它们生活世界很像,现在它们走了,我们得到他们的世界,也是很适合我们的。”

    "It's what we fought the war for," Bean chimed in. "the Formics wanted Earth because it was just like the worlds they already lived on."


  • 两只叫醒一只眼,她:“一只眼,照顾山羊,你事情时候睡着了,期间山羊世界乱跑的,吧,我们回家吧。”

    Two-eyes now awakened One-eye, and said, "One-eye, you want to take care of the goat, and go to sleep while you are doing it, and in the meantime the goat might run all over the world.


  • 仿佛我们内心童真撂下整个世界就只是出去爬爬或者放放风筝

    Almost as if the inner child in us wants to put the rest of the world on hold and just run outside to climb a tree or fly a kite.


  • 我们如果世界有所作为,我们必须发挥我们快速风格,同时带有压力

    We have to play with our style, which is quick and with pressure, if we are going to do want we want to do in the World Cup and in the second half we got a bit more towards that.


  • 通过残杀恫吓美国人他们迫使我们国家世界退缩放弃自由事业

    By killing and terrorizing Americans, they want to force our country to retreat from the world and abandon the cause of liberty.


  • 就是我们想要通过Kindle达到的目标,设计一种简单装置自己消失同时,能够读者进入作者世界

    That's what we wanna achieve with Kindle, to have a device, so simple, it's a tool that would disappear and let you enter the author's world.


  • 《塔尔萨世界出版商Robert Lorton给出的解释为:“一些订阅我们报纸的用户想要印刷版。

    We have paper subscribers who want nothing to do with the internet, ” explains Robert Lorton, the Tulsa World’s publisher.


  • Felix自学设计为了使自己更加有效表达创造科幻电影地球景象只不过的事我们生活的世界来的真实数据

    Felix taught himself design to communicate his ideas more effectively - and wanted to create the sort of visions of planets seen in sci-fi movies, but using real data from our world.


  • 最终我们自己决定什么失败但是如果允许它的话这个世界急切想要标准

    Ultimately, we all have to decide for ourselves what constitutes failure, but the world is quite eager to give you a set of criteria if you let it.


  • 活着时候我们总是很富有因为我们这个世界我们可以得到我们我们所有东西

    We're always wealthy when we're alive, because we can make everything we need and everything we want when we're living in the world.


  • 活着时候我们总是很富有因为我们这个世界我们可以得到我们我们所有东西

    We're always wealthy when we're alive, because we can make everything we need and everything we want when we're living in the world.


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