• 父亲儿子

    It means that I am the son of my father.


  • 长相便看出父亲的儿子

    Looking into my face, he could see I was my father's son.


  • 儿子做到一点时,或许一样倍感欣慰,不无自豪:“父亲的儿子。”

    When my son does this, perhaps he will feel the same pride and fulfillment that I do when I say, "I am my father's son."


  • 可以设定非常高的目标上帝儿子想出认为伟大的事情可以生活中这些事情并且可以打败他们”他有能力的父亲

    I can set some high goals. God says, "My son, you think up the greatest thing you think I could do in your life and I can beat that.


  • 一直以为一位创造性强,容易相处,慷慨大方,溺爱自己儿子父亲

    I used to see myself as this creative, nice, selfless, awesome dad who dotes on his three year old son.


  • 既然提到这件父亲,”儿子脸上焦虑的神情,“最后再说一次不愿意担任教职。”

    'Since you have alluded to the matter, father,' said the son, with anxious thought upon his face, 'I should like to say, once for all, that I should prefer not to take Orders.


  • 身边知道Kiki(KikiEnrique昵称),除了艺人的头衔还有儿子兄长朋友,当然最新的头衔父亲”。

    The people closest to me know me as "Kiki" (a nickname that comes from Enrique), and aside from being an artist I am also a son, a brother, a friend--and most recently, a father.


  • 父亲儿子一只小猫为什么丢下牠?

    Father? I am your son. That is only kitten, why do you abandon me to chase after it?


  • 一个父亲从来不敢拥抱儿子因为长成了一个害怕其他男性表达爱意

    I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men.


  • 觉得父亲儿子所以觉得,应该

    And I think I was a good son to my father, so in that way, I think he is like me.


  • 作为个不太称职父亲自然忘记一天儿子准备几个煮熟的鸡蛋

    As an incompetent parent, I have forgot to prepare some eggs and colour bag for Potter in this day reasonably.


  • 这样你的儿子撒罗满建筑殿宇庭院因为选了儿子作他的父亲

    And he said to me: Solomon thy son shall build my house, and my courts: for I have chosen him to be my son, and I will be a father to him.


  • 告诉:“这样的,先生。”因为休斯敦父亲高速公路,在他祝福还说:“儿子追随梦想,追随心中所想件重要的事。”

    I told him, "Not exactly, sir, " since my father had given me a ride to the freeway in Houston and given me his blessings while saying, "It is important to follow your dream and what is in your heart.


  • 儿子,而像父亲第一个丈夫希腊人这个好人总可怜

    You are no longer like a son to me and like your father, my first husband, 'Ere this kindly Greek took pity on me.


  • 加拿大:”父亲儿子成为农夫因此想让加拿大土地永远肥沃

    "The Canadian said," I am a father and my son will be a farmer so I want the soil in Canada to be forever fertile.


  • 父亲了以后心想要找跟着儿子出门看看到底他的东西然后放在他的瓶子里面。

    After listening to his story, the father thought, "one day I'll follow my son as he goes out, and see who's been consuming his things and leaving the money in the bin."


  • 女子,“父亲现在儿子了!”

    "You can say that," said the woman, "I married your father." You are my son now.


  • 一个人图片墙壁状态上的:兄弟姐妹什么都没有这个人的父亲父亲的儿子

    A man is looking at a picture of a man on the wall and states: Brothers and sisters I have none, but this man's father is my father's son.


  • 加拿大:“父亲儿子成为农夫因此想让加拿大土地永远肥沃。”

    The Canadian said, "I am a father and my son will be a farmer so I want the soil in Canada to be forever fertile."


  • 加拿大: “父亲儿子成为农夫因此想让加拿大土地永远肥沃。”

    Thee Canadian said, "I am a father and my son will be a farmer so I want the soil in Canada to be forever fertile."


  • 加拿大: “父亲儿子成为农夫因此想让加拿大土地永远肥沃。”

    Thee Canadian said, "I am a father and my son will be a farmer so I want the soil in Canada to be forever fertile."


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