One of my best friends is a girl who I met while playing basketball.
I am writing to you to recommend one of my best friends, Helen Wang, for this post.
Because of that stool and a pair of computers, I gained a best friend.
Sometimes, I regretted choosing a best friend who was so pretty.
Around this time, I started playing in a band with a Chinese man who became one of my best friends in Beijing.
I am busy with my homework, and I have so many different friends that it is hard to choose just one best friend.
I tell it as if I'm talking to my best friend or one of my grandchildren.
We roomed together, played side by side on the football team——well, he was my best buddy back in the good old days.
Or, better yet, perhaps I’ll meet a new friend at the wine tasting inside that little cigar shop in Writer’s Square.
我最好的朋友曾抱怨,当她遇到一位男生,他喜欢的音乐、书籍和电影跟她的一模一样,她总以为是交到了一个新朋友- - -出乎意料的是她发现这是他想跟她出去约会耍的把戏。
My best mate would complain that when she met a man who liked the same music, books or films as her, she always thought she had made a new friend - only to discover he wanted to ask her out.
She said she appreciated me being there for her, and that I am one of her best friends.
And so one day, my best friend and our CFO, Huggus, said to me, Brian, there's a problem, you know we don't have money.
But I wouldn't trade a single one of them for all the perfect friends in the universe.
I tried one of her girlfriends that lives a few doors down and found out some horrifying news.
Today, I ran into an old best friend I haven't seen in nearly a year.
One of Marquis's friends couldn't make the trip, so at the last minute I invited my best friend, Will [Bleakley], from my college football team.
I was swinging on the front gate, trying to decide whether to walk down the street to play with Verna, my best friend in fifth grade, when I saw a tramp come up the road.
When I replied that Gabe had been Daddy’s best friend, Hugh got out of his commitment to the other guy and supported me.
I'm a huge animal lover (I also have two cats) and Mollie is my best friend.
I'll believe you are a coward for yourself, but not a cowardly betrayer of your best friend. '.
He is my best friend and he wants to learn English. He would pay about 100 yuan per hour.
They had something to whisper to her, a secret. "Isabel's my friend."
我第一个想到的就是塔拉(Tara),她蛮横无理却又感情细腻,在剧中她是英雄般的女主角苏奇.斯塔克豪斯(Sookie Stackhouse)最好的朋友。虽然有些动摇,但我仍然给她投上一票。
My first thought was Tara, the stroppy but sensitive best friend of heroine Sookie Stackhouse, and she remains my vote, although I have wavered.
我第一个想到的就是塔拉(Tara),她蛮横无理却又感情细腻,在剧中她是英雄般的女主角苏奇.斯塔克豪斯(Sookie Stackhouse)最好的朋友。虽然有些动摇,但我仍然给她投上一票。
My first thought was Tara, the stroppy but sensitive best friend of heroine Sookie Stackhouse, and she remains my vote, although I have wavered.