NATHANIEL KAHN IN "MY ARCHITECT": "I didn't know my father very well. He never married my mother and he never lived with us. I needed to know him.
I began to lose hope about my future, and eventually my wife and I returned home, after 18 surgeries, where I gave up on continuing my dream of being an architect.
In this rather long letter the woman said that as she was a decorator and I an architect, we might work together.
There are, like, nine people in the entire world who are architects, and one of them is my dad. None of them look like Patrick Dempsey.
She: I'd always thought of architects as having gray hair and wearing black mock-turtlenecks.
I was having dinner with a friend of mine - who also happens to be a gifted architect and designer.
In my mind this illuminates the distinction between knowledge that assists operations (practices the carpenter USES) and knowledge that assists decisions (principles being used by the architect).
"I'm optimistic about the future," says Nabih Tahan, an architect who's building one of the first passive houses in the U.S. in Berkeley, California.
I met a woman in the local supermarket who said to me, "Are you the architect?"
Designed by Andres Remy Architects, this modern above-ground outdoor pool in Devoto, Argentina is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen!
One night I saw a note from a woman named Erin that read, "Matt and Dan, the architects."
For an architect this is a rare opportunity, so I used this work as an area of free experimentation for my future works.
I noticed that some architects observe the construction of the clothes and how the fabric goes together to make a volumetric form.
As an architect, I love all kinds of architecture and all styles, European and Asian, ancient and modern.
The architect calls it "the work of my life" as it is a residence he created for himself.
The questions below are what I have found to be the most common throughout my architecture career and from many discussions with architects over the years.
As a licenced architect, I devote myself to my career and enjoy it.
Among all the drawings produced by architects, my favorites are the working drawings.
You see that building... I was part of a team of architects that designed it.
As an architect and project manager for the Baha 'i Centre of Learning, I might like to share with you just a few of my experience in the last ten years that I have been involved.
Ted, I loved your design for the penthouse balcony, tell me, do you want to be an architect?
Yes, I was one of six young architects that spent half a year in working on it.
As a journalist I kept what was there, as an architect we constructed the building over it.
As a journalist I kept what was there, as an architect we constructed the building over it.