• 告诉你们一瞬间明白了什么首先你们知道的是如何到的。

    I'll tell you what I found in a moment, but first I want to describe how I got there.


  • 父亲教育学会适应环境做的事情保持相关,因为你渴望并且应该掌握。否则,永远是门外汉

    My father taught us to adapt to any environmentbe involved with things because you want to and be good at it, as opposed to being an outsider.


  • 拥有财富”他说,“珍贵的宝石黄金来装扮自己,成为世界上漂亮的财宝!”

    I want to be covered with gold and filled with precious stones. I will be the most beautiful treasure chest in the world!


  • 宽恕敌人。”跟你们分享一个故事,那是发生在很久以前发自内心宽恕

    "I had to Forgive my Enemy". I wanted to share a story from my past about forgiving from the heart.


  • 决定使用概念表示页面因为知道通过它们产生抽象测试概念,并且保持这种一致

    I decided to use concepts to represent pages because I knew that I would generate the more abstract test concepts from them and that I wanted to maintain this alignment.


  • 讨论企业架构之前大致描绘一下规程解决问题

    Before I discuss enterprise architecture, I want to sketch the problem this discipline attempts to address.


  • 走出一步时候,克服一个很大压力之后找到很多这种活力,出现的方式

    When I make that step, which is a big pressure I have to get it cross, then I find a great of variety of ways in which this gonna happen.


  • 发现比起实践传授的这些观念,只是谈一谈,教一教的话容易得多

    I find that it’s easier to talk and teach than to practice what I preach.


  • 拿走东西

    I came here to take exactly what I want.


  • 其他人收拾垃圾让不愉快,但是一条干净而且收拾干净满意

    It frustrates me that I'm the one cleaning up after everyone else, but I'd rather have a clean river and the satisfaction of knowing I made it cleaner.


  • 如果解决这个问题就是解决方式了,第一的事情就是输入一个浮点数作为三角形

    So if I were to solve this problem, here's the way I would do it. I would say, first thing I want to do, is I want to input a value for the base as a float.


  • 电邮上瘾了可能脑海里的阻力发威使通常完成项目转移开。

    I think I'm addicted to email, or perhaps it's just my fearful mind oozing its magic potion to distract me from actually completing the project.


  • 之所以识别出不可解决问题,是因为周期性地为解决了的问题浪费太多的努力(怎么才能老板或者工人实现的”)。

    The reason for identifying unsolvable problems is that we periodically throw good effort after problems that we can't possible resolve such as "How can get my boss or workers to do what I want?"


  • 回答还是孩子的时候,妈妈一些不起的东西,她看着:“住地狱里的冰水呢。”

    Answer: When I was a kid and asked my mother for something she felt we couldn't afford, she'd look at me and say, "People in hell want ice water."


  • 从小就很敏感他人的期望,成为他们成为的那种,”女演员莎莉·菲尔德回忆道:“用了很长时间学会通过别人视角评判自己。”

    I was raised to sense what someone wanted me to be, and be that kind of person, ” actress Sally Fields recalls. “It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else’s eyes.”


  • 因为已经辞掉原来不喜欢但是收入颇丰的工作而开始自己创业。很多完成必须完成的事情摆在面前。但每当着手开始的时候总是被迫把每一件都暂时抛诸脑后因为两个儿子家庭照顾。这里需解释一下开始自己的事情以前必须。

    Are so many things I want to, and need to do - but, when I look at my MITs - I have to put them behind my two boys and the family. Let me explain - before I can even consider my MITs - I have to?


  • 老师告诉抓住每一个机会这样就能知道自己是什么

    My teacher told me that I need to take every chance, so that I will find what I want.


  • 如果开车可以你一起去吗?体育场旁边医院

    If you are driving your car, may I go with you? I am going to the hospital near the Stadium.


  • 喜欢条。蓝色裙子没有扣子的裙子。

    I don't like it. I want a blue skirt. And I want a skirt without buttons.


  • 真的条狗父母

    I really want a dog, but my parents won't let me have one.


  • 迈克尔十四岁时,爸爸本田的越野摩托车曾让觉得孩子他爸是不是离婚或是气死

    When Michael was fourteen, his dad bought him a Honda dirt bike, a purchase that caused me to consider divorce or murder.


  • 这些苹果,红的。

    Green love. You will know that I love and miss you do.


  • 吉姆·柯林斯告诉那些正在决定将来什么、干工作、去哪家公司的青年人告诉他们这么不对的,他们问的是:一起工作。

    Jim Collins: And I like to tell young people here who are trying to decide what to do, which job, which company. And my response is, it's the wrong question, it's who.


  • 成为2016年世界先生感到荣幸骄傲至此感觉这简直一个神奇的旅行已经迫不及待看看接下发生的一切。

    I feel so privileged and humbled to be Mr World 2016... it has been an amazing journey to this point, and I cannot wait to see what happens next.


  • 曾经失去,就算失去一次也行,只是这你真的的。

    I lost you once, I think I do it again. If I thought that's what you really wanted.


  • 中国食物一些面条饺子

    I would like some Chinese food, please. I would like some noodles, dumplings and tea!


  • 让人哭笑不得八月推出本儿童书,显然不是媒体关注。”补充道并说这本没有任何的不词汇。

    "The ironic part is I'm putting a children's book out in August so this wasn't the kind of press I was looking for, " he added, saying there are no obscenities in the book.


  • 努力动力成为心目中男人

    You are the power of my hard working. I want to be man you really want in your heart.


  • 努力动力成为心目中男人

    You are the power of my hard working. I want to be man you really want in your heart.


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