I remembered that my mathematics was mediocre at that time, but he was excellent at solving mathematics questions.
I remember I was holding this mug of coffee and I was pleading with her, trying to convince her to take me on as her student.
I hardly remember everything of that day six years ago, but I do remember that I was feeling very angry.
I took the test and felt peaceful, I don't remember what my grade was, but what happened that day has stayed in my heart and mind ever since.
So how do you feel call to this, but how did you like to say, I remember when I told my parents I was going to seminary, So I think there is a similar identity.
I received a key chain with my initials, and I remember thinking that the idea behind it was so lovely.
I remember going round a grocery store and looking at all the expensive food, thinking, "I can have anything I want." It was an amazing feeling of power.
Although this was, objectively, far from the worst thing I experienced, I recall vividly the anguish I felt, simply because of the uncertainty about why and for how long the catheter would be needed.
When I started a music mentoring program in college back in 1999, I remember the struggle we had, trying to get our first group of volunteers together.
And I remember like, when you see someone you haven't seen in a while, you want to hug them, and I remember trying to reach out to my ex-husband, and he would not take my hand.
During a brief but rather torrid affair with a Frenchman a few years ago, I remember making several visits to the bathroom at work to have a good cry.
And I remember I was holding this mug of coffee and I was pleading with her, trying to convince her to take me on as her student, and I was saying, "Judy, I'll get a lot done."
我记得当初MySpace受欢迎程度极高的时候,被称为“关系杀手”。 当时我听见了笑而不语。
I remember when MySpace was at its height of popularity it was referred to as a “relationship killer.”
I remember thinking, "If he has inherited dwarfism, it will be my fault. When he is older, will he blame me and resent me for it?"
I remember feeling like the call to eval was ugly, but at the time I couldn't think of another way to complete the task. I posted the code on my blog for all to criticize, and they quickly did.
I can remember feeling gobsmacked, and then calling my wife at home to ask her to start the Lotus Domino services on the home computer.
And I remember my big management challenge during that period was I heard of shouting match between one of the two engineers who reported to me and a woman in finance.
I remembered hurting deeply as I listened to my mother and really looked in the mirror discovering the truth myself.
I don't remember any pundit saying "He's not that kind of player", only slamming him for what was, I agree, a bad challenge.
I also remember how much it hurt, and my feeling was that this would be the only tattoo I would ever get on my body.
I remember him looking back and forth between my eyes and my lips.
I remember when I was taking a class in negotiations in 1980 and learned never to get caught in this game.
That she walked by and she shook my hand and our eyes connected and I just remember having this moment where I thought, 'Wow, this is amazing.
"I remember feeling the silence. I remember feeling the fear… This can be the end, " Bryant recalled in his documentary, Kobe Bryant's Muse.
"I remember feeling the silence. I remember feeling the fear… This can be the end, " Bryant recalled in his documentary, Kobe Bryant's Muse.