• 紧张地转动着手指戒指

    Nervously I twisted the ring on my finger.


  • 内奥米那时正在炫耀订婚戒指

    Naomi was showing off her engagement ring.


  • 戒指珍贵财产之一

    The ring is one of her most treasured possessions.


  • 戒指我来说纪念意义

    This ring has great sentimental value for me.


  • 戒指那么非常吃惊。

    I was staggered at the amount of money the ring cost.


  • 手指上戴着几枚戒指

    Gold rings adorned his fingers.


  • 戒指珍爱财产

    This ring is my most treasured possession.


  • 戒指,留作对希腊纪念

    I bought the ring as a souvenir of Greece.


  • 请人把蓝宝石镶嵌到枚金戒指

    She had the sapphire set in a gold ring.


  • 戒指总是带来好运

    This ring has always brought me good luck.


  • 甚至典当妻子结婚戒指用于赌博

    He even hocked his wife's wedding ring so he could gamble.


  • 永远也不摘掉戒指

    I could never part with this ring.


  • 戒指肯定好多钱。

    That ring must be worth a fortune.


  • 摆弄手指戒指

    She was twiddling the ring on her finger.


  • 结婚戒指可以个人题字收费

    Your wedding ring can be engraved with a personal inscription at no extra cost.


  • 戒指订做的。

    The ring was specially made for her.


  • 下盯着自己旋转着手指戒指

    She was staring down at her hands, twisting the ring on her finger.


  • 我们到处戒指

    We looked all over for the ring.


  • 戒指了几个极有情感价值

    The ring wasn't worth very much but it had great sentimental value.


  • 一张照片、诗集一枚金戒指就是全部家当

    A photo, a book of poems and a gold ringthis was the sum total of his possessions.


  • 对夫妇芙尼珠宝店订购了一新的纯银戒指只$200。

    The couple ordered a new set of sterling silver rings from Tiffany for $200 each.


  • 完全忘了戒指的事情。证明在校取得成绩并不意味着聪明

    I forgot all about the ring. Which just goes to show that getting good grades in school doesn't mean you're clever.


  • 无法相信真有人龌龊这种地步,竟然一个死去女人手指戒指

    She was unwilling to believe anyone would stoop so low as to steal a ring from a dead woman's finger.


  • :“哪儿来的戒指?”

    He said, "Where did you get that ring?"


  • 要买简单戒指

    I want to buy a very simple ring.


  • 一个很漂亮的戒指

    It's a lovely ring.


  • 戒指拿到市场去。

    Take this ring to the market.


  • 没有那个戒指

    I didn't give her that ring.


  • 了一枚金戒指

    She wore a gold ring.


  • 戒指的吗?

    Is your ring silver?


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