Strategic thinking and business development ability, has certain team management experience.
Hiring managers will continue to seek professionals who are able to think strategically, bring hands-on experience with technical knowledge and commercial insights.
Academics agreed with the CPAs that critical and strategic thinking was the prime skill, but rated auditing skills and investigative ability as second and third.
埃里卡·安德森说,“培训就如同生意上的私人教练。”她是《战略性思维》(Being Strategic)一书的作者,同时也是多位媒体主管的培训教练。
"A coach is like a personal trainer for business," says Erika Andersen, author of Being Strategic and coach to many media executives.
Analyze its advantages and existing problems. 5. Analyze the prospect and future development of strategic enterprise management system of performance and achievement.
Analyze its advantages and existing problems. 5. Analyze the prospect and future development of strategic enterprise management system of performance and achievement.