It is a business strategy or a new way of thinking, but it is also a method of designing and integrating applications.
He emphasises the need for organisation and strategic thinking, offering practical advice about how to convert ideas into actions.
This is the mind-set behind some shifts in thinking about the role of traditional medicine in this region, as set out in the draft regional strategy for traditional medicine.
Chess produces single-mindedness; wei qi generates strategic flexibility.
Now, it also means that the Russians have to stop thinking of tomorrow with the eyes of yesterday.
As you can tell from this very brief example, approaching security from the application architecture level requires strategic thinking.
Marketers must adopt an entirely new strategy -- more than that, an entirely new mindset.
The strategic evolution of management thought is identical with the thought and function of public relationship.
埃里卡·安德森说,“培训就如同生意上的私人教练。”她是《战略性思维》(Being Strategic)一书的作者,同时也是多位媒体主管的培训教练。
"A coach is like a personal trainer for business," says Erika Andersen, author of Being Strategic and coach to many media executives.
Western thinking is linear, moving form goals to strategy to tactics, or from overview to details (or the reverse).
伊戈尔。安索夫(1918- 2002)是现代战略思维之父。
Igor Ansoff (1918-2002) was the father of modern strategic thinking.
To span from industry country to a strong one, we must grasp the opportunity to design the industrial competitive strategy and select the policy with global mind.
Strategic thinking competence is the guarantee of officials performing their leading duty.
Under the en vi ronment of more dynamics and complexity, strategic thinking should turn to competition-cooperation.
Western thinking is linear, moving from goals to strategy to tactics, or from overview to details (or the reverse).
To improve our brand competitiveness, we need to transform our strategic thinking and obtain brand competitiveness advantage by creating superior value for customer.
Strategic learning mechanism can be interpreted as the organizational learning mechanisms originated from Strategic thinking.
No matter what is the essence of strategic change, but corporation strategy comes into being in the form of mentality in the managers' mind, especially the top managers.
On the contrary, looking back our enterprise M&A course, no matter in theory or in practice, the thinking and method amalgamating strategic management is not enough.
Except on some large institutional boards, little strategic thinking goes into identifying candidates and courting them to see if they're a good fit.
The "Blue Ocean" strategy brought new strategic thinking to enterprises.
To improve our brand competitiveness, we need to transform our strategic thinking and obtain brand competitiveness advantage by creating supe...
Academics agreed with the CPAs that critical and strategic thinking was the prime skill, but rated auditing skills and investigative ability as second and third.
这就促使诺基亚公司调整经营战略树立 放眼全球着手当地这样一种全新的战略思维。
This urges the Nokia to adjust the business strategy, sets up "takes a broad view at the whole world, begins the locality" this kind of kind of brand-new strategic thought.
This paper is based on a strategic thinking model integrating the Industrial Organization orientated model and the Resource-based model.
With new thinking, new strategy view points, to develop international market, to realize the aim of world first - class products, to enter overseas stock market.
It is a basic mode of thinking that a leader should follow in his strategic thinking activity.
It is a basic mode of thinking that a leader should follow in his strategic thinking activity.