I'm right in saying you can divide what you do into two distinct methods—simultaneous and consecutive interpreting.
The two companies have taken entirely different approaches to the mobile war.
These decide that the evaluation methods of middle-level managers is totally different from the other staff.
In this way, its accuracy is practically guaranteed, because it was found in two very different ways.
I strongly believe, however, that all the effort invested will lead to a radically different approach in developing process-centric applications. And the good news: I think that's good for everybody.
我又一次期望有详细的UML技巧,但是让人感到惊喜的是 Lieberman采用了截然不同的方法。
Once again, I was expecting detailed UML tips, but was pleasantly surprised that Lieberman took a different approach.
Its scope resembles that of Frances Smith Fosters 1993 study, but its approach is quite different.
Its scope resembles that of Frances Smith Foster's 1993 study, but its approach is quite different.
The triangle tester example has a total of seven test methods, but it has twenty-three distinct tests.
But a full DSL approach could be difficult to develop in a large group with several business units that are distinct from each other.
The ways men and women handle stress are fundamentally different.
The combination of these different options creates three distinct claim handling charge calculation rules.
Here is what we found: of the hundreds of self-change techniques that have been suggested over the centuries, perhaps only a dozen are distinctly different.
这与我们运作项目的方式截然不同,并且与RUP 方法也有着巨大的差异。
This is different from how we run projects, and very different from the RUP approach.
Each is pretty reasonable for certain programming contexts, even though the syntax and semantics of each is so radically different from the others.
Emerging Agile and Lean approaches cast project management in a distinctly different role than that of Chief Planner of the Work.
"What we do is dramatically different [than Google]," Marco Limena, VP of the operator channels group at Microsoft, told FORTUNE in a recent interview.
JAX - WS是一种截然不同的Web服务定义方法,它全面取代了标准的Axis2服务器端和客户端配置。
JAX-WS is an entirely different approach to defining Web services, and it completely replaces the standard Axis2 server-side and client-side configuration.
After this addition, my JUnit test results are very different, as shown in Figure 2 — I now have four JUnit test failures!
"By using a different assay, we were able to pick up a completely distinct yet equally important type of genetic mutation that is likely to persist throughout a child's lifetime," Grant said.
The two classworking frameworks I cover in my earlier articles take very different approaches to working with bytecode.
Spotted hyenas have a rich vocal repertory; they emit about a dozendistinct vocalizations, most of which can be modulated in various ways to altertheir meaning to listeners.
自 20 世纪 90年代后期,数据联合已经作为与集中方法截然不同的一种方法而出现了。 在分散方法中,使用了数据市场(mart)和仓库。
Since the late 1990s, data federation has emerged as a distinct approach from the centralized approach that data marts and warehouses had been using.
In the final installment of this series, I'll look at the final approach to this problem-a solution that's radically different from anything I've presented so far.
This course will cover how to design two very different parts and how to analyze the multiple methods you have available to create your own design.
This course will cover how to design two very different parts and how to analyze the multiple methods you have available to create your own design.